Games Workshop Teases This Week’s Pre-Orders

admech wal paper

More Death Guard, and the new Ad Mech are on the way as GW just gave us a look at this week’s upcoming releases. Come take a look at the latest..

The latest announcement from Games Workshop reveals this week’s new releases which include the Adeptus Mechanicus Codex, Cawl, and some new Death Guard minis. Let’s take a look at what they had to say.

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus is the most complete guide to the servants of the Machine God we’ve ever released, covering rules as well as background of the different sects of this mysterious cult. Inside, you’ll find datasheets for the Cult Mechanicus, Skitarii, and for the first time, Questor Mechanicus Knights, as well as new Stratagems, Warlord Traits, and Relics. There are also rules for 7 forge worlds, including classics like Mars as well as more niche factions like Agripinaa and Stygies VIII – we’ll be taking a look at the powerful unique abilities for each in detailed previews next week.

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus $40

Ad Mech Cover

Accompanying Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus is the perfect leader for any army of the Machine God – Belisarius Cawl. This model will be available separately for the first time, making it easier than ever to add this mysterious hero to your forces.

Belisarius Cawl $55


As well as the Adeptus Mechanicus, there are new units on the way for the Death Guard, as a unit from the Horus Heresy rejoins the XIV Legion in gruesome fashion – meet the Deathshroud Terminators.

Deathshroud Terminators $??

Deathshroud Terminators

Deathshroud Terminators keep their role from the Horus Heresy, acting as a heavily armoured bodyguard to your characters. Armed with toxic plaguespurt gauntlets, and deadly Manreapers, these guys are dangerous to infantry, tanks, and monsters alike, with 3 Strength 8 attacks in melee, each at AP -3 and dealing D3 damage apiece! Armed in Cataphractii Terminator Armour, the Deathshroud are very hard to kill, with Toughness 5, Disgustingly Resilient, a 2+ save and 2 Wounds. This durability makes them perfect for accompanying your key characters into war, as they’re capable of intercepting hits, even in melee!

Citadel Paint The App $FREE$

Citadel Paint App header

This week’s pre-orders are continuing the Death Guard releases with the Deathshroud Terminators, and we’re starting to see Adeptus Mechanicus already coming into the limelight. The new Citadel Paint app will also be available for download later this week. Makes sure you check back in with us tomorrow when we’ll have the full list of new pre-orders and their prices.

What do you think about this week’s new releases? Are you looking forward to anything in particular? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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