GW Teases Two New Minis From This Week’s Previews

warhammer community preview wal hor title 1200 wordsGW teased two new minis from this week’s previews, one for AoS on Thursday and one that could be for Warhammer 40k or Necromunda.

It looks like GW wants to drop all the details for 4th Edition AoS on its own, as it will get a full preview. In contrast, games like 40k, Horus Heresy, Necromunda, and Legions Imperialis will get a separate weekend preview.

Now, we have two glimpses into what to expect (other than all the AoS minis we’ve already seen) at the previews. On top of that, it was announced that two AEW wrestlers will be playing an AoS Spearhead game to show off the rules!

GW Teases Two New Minis From This Week’s Previews

Here are the latest preview teasers from Warhammer Community.

New Minis From This Week's PreviewsIt looks like the Gryph-hounds will be getting a rework alongside the Stormcast! Can’t go into a new edition with old animal companions, that’s not a good look for anyone.

Gryph-HoundsThis one seems to have a pretty similar look to the older models, with a much more sleek style and much more ornate helms. GW looks to be moving the whole line away from the chunky look and towards thinner models.

Second Preview Teaser Mini

New Minis From This Week's Previews 2

If you ask us, this looks like an Enslaver! GW didn’t say anything about what it is, but getting them in any of the 40k games would be interesting. Necromunda often receives more random miniatures in the game, so we would tend to lean that way for what preview this model may be from.

There are currently many ways Enslavers appear in lore and art, but they are often tentacled beings from the warp that use psychic energies to take over people and xenos alike.


Enslavers Lore 2

Enslavers originate from the darkest corners of the Warp, where they manifest as eerie, floating entities adorned with wicked tendrils. Their primary method of predation is to target psychic individuals, infiltrating their minds and subverting their thoughts. Once possessed, victims become puppets, serving the inscrutable goals of the Enslavers. While we’re not 100% on this, seeing them in a game would be cool!

Now, let’s check out the latest details on the two previews!

GW Announces Two New Previews For AoS, 40k, HH, & More!

Here is the latest on the new Warhammer previews from Warhammer Community.

GW New Previews

Well, we’ve seen a bunch of new miniatures and some rules and basically know what’s going to be in the starter box. However, you only have to wait about a week or so to see everything! They will show off the box’s name, the full contents, and more about the new edition.

If you can’t make it to the live event, you can catch the broadcast on the Warhammer Twitch channel – we’ll link to that here on Warhammer Community on the day. The show starts at 7pm CDT – that’s 1am BST for us Brits.

We said the previews would be at a better time, but we meant the main preview on the weekend. This will still be near the middle of the night for UK and EU hobbyists, but trust us, the other one is better!

You’ll be able to watch a special exhibition match of Spearhead between the AEW wrestlers Kip Sabian and Claudio Costaglioni, who will be playing as Skaven and Stormcast Eternals. This will be the first ever live game of Spearhead, and it’s sure to be an absolute treat. 

Then, if you love wrestling or just want to see how Spearhead games play out, you can watch some AEW wrestlers play a match! This is an interesting collaboration, as we’ve seen other wrestlers really into Warhammer, and it seems there are more than we knew.

Second Preview Show

GW New Previews 2

There’s actually asecondpreview on the following Saturday, focusing on anything that isn’t Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

The following weekend, four other games will be previewed! There is no Old World this time around, but there is plenty to look at. As we said, this is actually going to be a decent time for both North America and the UK. Be sure to set your calendars for a Saturday of hobby goodness.

It’s always exciting to see what new miniatures will join the game next, and with two previews, there should be plenty to look at. And who knows, we might even get to see some Enslavers in action!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you want to see revealed at the new GW previews? What do you think about the new miniature teasers?

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