GW Unveils Blood Bowl’s Winter Game Board & Rules!

bbpitch-1A new winter game board is on the way for Blood Bowl and with it comes a separate set of Winter Weather rules! Check them out right here!

Snow isn’t going to slow this brutal game of death! Just push on and play on with this new Blood Bowl winter game board!

Source: Warhammer Community

Picture the scene:

It’s match day.

The players are ready. The crowd is gathered and baying for blood, and the great god Nuffle has been promised a game of Blood Bowl… but what’s this! An arctic wind sweeps the pitch and blankets the field in snow.


Game off?

Not likely!

Blood Bowl doesn’t stop for a bit of inclement weather.

Coming this December, is a special edition Blood on the Snow pitch for the game of Blood Bowl, each side representing an arctic covering of snow on the Human and Orc pitches in the main box game.


You’ll be able to order yours in December.

blood bowl rules winter

There’s also a set of Winter Weather rules if you choose to use them and keep your eyes out for this awesome looking Blood Bowl board!