GW Unveils Three New Tanks For Legions Imperialis!

Legions Imperialis tanks featureThree new tanks the Baneblade, Kratos, and Demios Rhino, are on the way for Legions Imperialis in an epic-scale form!

If you’ve patiently waited for Epic Warhammer 40k to return, it’s being rebranded in the Horus Heresy era as Legions Imperialis. While we’ve seen plenty of the miniatures in the starter box, it’s always nice to get some more models revealed for the game. 

While there are three sets of tanks in the starter set, you will need more than that to take over entire battlefields and planets!

Let’s jump into the new minis.

GW Unveils Three New Tanks For Legions Imperialis!

The latest on new Legion Imperialis Baneblade, Kratos, and Demios Rhino tanks comes from Warhammer Community.

Legions Imperialis tanks

The Kratos is a staple of Space Marine armoured companies, and one of the heaviest tanks available to the Legions Astartes. So it’s only fitting that they come in detachments of up to six, with a range of armaments including battlecannons and melta blastguns on the turret, plus weapon options for sponsons and hulls, and an optional dozer blade.

First up is the Kratos, and it looks great! Plus, you’ll be able to take them in detachments of 6, meaning you should be able to blast through all kinds of enemy forces.

The (Tiny) Baneblade

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If you thought the Kratos was a heavy-hitter, you’ve got another thing coming with the Solar Auxilia Banelade. This iconic superheavy tank hits the battlefield in detachments of up to six, with a kit that can be used to create Baneblades or Hellhammers, alongside a huge range of hull, sponson, and cupola options.

The Baneblade is a staple in the Warhammer world, so getting them in LI is pretty sweet. If you want to rumble around shooting everything, they will be for you.

Deimos-Pattern Rhino

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In a game this big, you really don’t want your infantry slogging all that distance on foot – you need mechanised companies to deliver Legiones Astartes-flavoured violence as rapidly as possible. In fact, the swift and timely deployment of infantry is actually the key to winning games of Legions Imperialis – they’re who’s tasked with taking and holding those all-important objectives.

With this in mind, a stone-cold classic armoured transport makes its glorious return in the form of the Deimos-Pattern Rhino. And because everything’s just that little bit wilder in Legions Imperialis, this pack of 10 comes with plenty of cupola options, including havoc missile launchers, multi-meltas, twin-linked bolters, dozer blades, and even a hunter-killer missile.

It’s pretty awesome to get ten tanks in one kit, and from the sounds of it, all of these will be their own separate kits, not a big box like the two we’ve seen before.

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What do you think about these three new tanks, the Baneblade, Kratos, and Demios Rhino, that are on the way for Legions Imperialis in an epic-scale form? 

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