GW’s April 21st Deepkin Releases: First Look

By Tim Roberts | April 21st, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw mall store horIt is official, the next wave of Idoneth Deepkin is here, Come check out the second week of releases for Age of Sigmar’s newest faction.

Idoneth Deepkin is the newest addition to the world of Age of Sigmar and has the community hyped up. Let’s take a look at the second week of releases for this hot army from Games Workshop

This Week’s Idoneth Deepkin Pre-orders :

Idoneth Week 2 Bundle


Namarti Reavers:

Namarti Reavers

Kit Can Make one of these two:

Volturnos, High King of the Deep:

Akhelian King:

Volturnos 1


That’s it for this week’s pre-release roundup, be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.