It’s finally here. Come see the incredible new spread for the eagerly anticipated Shattered Domains board from Games Workshop this week for Age of Sigmar!
Remember this teaser from last week:
Well it looks like tons of terrain is on the way, as the Shattered domains and some “magic circles” are indeed here, plus a few new surprises as well:
Source: Scanner
Looks like we’re getting new rules too, just like Chaos’ Dreadhold!
So each set of Shatter Domains realm of battle table contains:
- two Broken Plains
- two Desolate Ruins
- one Arcanabulum
- and one Fell Chasm.
- retail $330
All brand new castings with nothing brought over from 40k’s Ream of Battle tile set.
So look for the new realm of battle table, new Start Collecting sets (presumably for AoS), new paint sets for the scenery, and last but not least the rumored plastic base kits for AoS models just like 40k’s Sector Imperalis! Coming in hot this week from Games Workshop!