GW’s New Warhammer JOYTOY Pre-Orders For June

new-next-week-joytoy-2-gw-warhammer-40k1New Warhammer 49k JOYTOY releases, featuring new Space Marine action figures, will be next week’s pre-orders for June 11th.

Games Workshop just let us in on all the new releases that will be going up for pre-order this coming Saturday at 1 PM Eastern time here in the states.

Don’t forget about all the new Horus Heresy items that are already on pre-order for release on June 18th that you can see by clicking here.

Let’s take a closer look at the other Warhammer 40k JOYTOY Action Figures up for pre-order, then jump into the new stuff!

New 40k JOYTOY Action Figures Now Orderable in the USA!

JOYTOY New Figures


JOYTOY New Figures 2


JOYTOY New Figures 3You can get all of the above from Entertainment Earth right now or Sideshow, but we’ll take a closer look at some of them as well. The nice part is now you can a bunch of different chapters, vehicles, and even DKoK!

You can click any of the links below to go grab yours now!

JOYTOY Redemptor Dreadnought Action Figure

Get Yours From Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Order From Oversees

Redemptor JOYTOYWith all the dreadnoughts we’ve seen, it’s nice to get the Redemptor thrown in there! Plus, it’s just super cool and has a ton of articulation.

redemptor dreadnought kit 5Obviously, you can put it into a ton of poses.

Redemptor JOYTOY 2It’s always cool to see how much detail they throw into these, especially stuff like this.

redemptor dreadnought kit 6This is just one of the new Dreadnoughts they added, let’s check the other one out next.

JOYTOY Murderfang Space Wolves Dreadnought

Get Yours From Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Order From Oversees

MurderfangThey did a great job with this one, however, just like with the Redemptor, you won’t actually receive these until 2023. Still, if you really want one, you might as well get yours pre-ordered.

Murderfang 2It looks like it comes with a shield bit that can be removed as well.

Murderfang 3As we’ve come to expect, there is a lot of articulation on this, letting you strike some cool poses.

Murderfang 4

Now let’s look at next week’s JOYTOY Pre-Orders line-up from Warhammer Community.

JOYTOY Space Marines Ultramarines Intercessors

JOYTOY Space Marines Ultramarines Intercessors

Four Ultramarine battle brothers make up this squad of Intercessors. Superbly detailed with a wealth of accessories, each stands 12cm tall – the perfect guardians for your display cabinets.

With a variety of load-outs and posing options, these are a great addition for anyone who wants to spice up their shelf.

JOYTOY Space Marines Ultramarines Primaris Librarian

JOYTOY Space Marines Ultramarines Primaris Librarian

Add some psychic supremacy to your JOYTOY collection with this Ultramarines Primaris Librarian. With his mighty force sword and an impressive cape, he can tap into the powerful energy of the warp, melting the minds of his foes.

The character releases seem to be a tad better than the squad ones, so this looks like it will continue that trend.

JOYTOY Blood Angels Death Company Intercessors

JOYTOY Blood Angels Death Company Intercessors

If black and red are more your thing, these Blood Angels Death Company Intercessors will suit your tastes. Fuelled by the inherited memory of their Primarch’s death and equipped with fearsome close-quarters weapons, they’re a worthy addition to any display shelf.

From Dreadnoughts to Death Korps of Kreig there are a ton of new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY models already available from US retailers as well.

If you missed the latest few previews from GW, get all caught up with our coverage below:

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Are you excited about the New JOYTOY Pre-Orders For June 11th

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