Games Workshop just put out a bit of a tease about its 2014 finances. Come see what they had to say about how the company is doing!
via GW Investor Relations
“Following the close of its 2014/15 financial year Games Workshop provides the following trading highlights:
We expect the Group’s profit for the year to 31 May 2015 to be broadly in line with market expectations.
Over the year we have seen modest sales growth, at constant currency, in our core trade and mail order channels. We saw a small decline in our own stores due to continued difficult trading in Continental Europe following our restructuring last year. We saw expected declines in some non-core activities that are grouped with core activities in our reporting. The effect of these non-core activities and the continuing effects of unfavourable exchange rates mean that our reported sales are likely to show small declines in retail (c.5%) and trade (c.3%). Mail order growth was c.5%.
We will provide full and detailed information, including the effects of adverse exchange rates, at the time of our results announcement on 28 July 2015.”
We will have to wait about a week to get the full annual 2014/2015 finance report, but that statement sounds a tad underwhelming after a year that saw the release of TWELVE 40K Codices, and the entire End Times WFB Series.
The floor is your ladies and gentlemen. What do you read in those tea leaves?