GW’s Secret Clue to Next Weeks Releases?

By Rob Baer | October 21st, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Looks like Games Workshop confirmed the next End Times Book (Fall of Altdorf) this yesterday in their White Dwarf Daily.

What s New Today from the White Dwarf Team   Games Workshop Webstore

Looks like the invasion is en route!  Checkout the rest of the release info for the End Times II below!

From via Warseer’s Felwether 10-20-2014 (and the BoLS Lounge)

Glottkin (€86/£66)

Warhammer: Glottkin (Book) (€52/£40)

End Times: The Fall of Altdorf (Black Library)

The Bane of Malekith (Black Library)

There are also two bundles (I’m guessing) for 40K.

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