New Warhammer The Old World Pre-Order Lineup Revealed

new next week old world warhammer theWarhammer, The Old World, is here with two new launch boxes full of rules and miniatures for Bretonnia and Tomb Kings, hitting pre-order!

Games Workshop has revealed all the new releases coming to pre-order on Saturday, January 6th, at 1 PM Eastern time here in the States.

Warhammer The Old World Pre-Order Lineup Arrives

The first New Year releases are up for pre-order next week. Here are the details for all the Warhammer The Old World with a street date of January 20th, 2023.

warhammer the old world banner

Welcome to the end of 2023. With a new year just over the horizon, it’s time to look at the first miniatures, books, and more that you’ll be able to pre-order in The Future (albeit the very near future, specifically the 6th of January). Paradoxically, you’ll be returning to the past in the World of Legend, as Warhammer: The Old World arrives with banners flying and horns blowing.

Warhammer: The Old World Core Set – Kingdom of Bretonnia Edition

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the Old World Core Set – Kingdom of Bretonnia Edition

The chivalrous knights of Bretonnia and their peasant followers march to battle in this set, with 76 plastic Citadel miniatures – 75 of them returning classics, with a brand new Lord of Bretonnia on Royal Pegasus leading them – joined by the core rulebook, a reference sheet, dice, templates, measuring sticks ,and a transfer sheet.

Bretonnia is here to defend the world of the living against the onslaught of the undead!

Warhammer: The Old World Core Set – Tomb Kings of Khemri Edition

Read Our Pricing & Values Article Here

The Old World Core Set – Tomb Kings of Khemri Edition

If your tastes run more towards the desert sands and endless ranks of skeletal warriors, check out the Tomb Kings of Khemri boxed set, which contains the same game aids (minus the transfers), alongside 93 plastic Citadel miniatures, two of which are new – a Tomb Prince, and a Liche Priest riding a huge Necrolith Bone Dragon.

Already have an army on square bases from years past ready to take to the battlefield? You’ll want to grab the new rules separately.

Pillage the world and claim revenge on all who live with the return of the Tomb Kings!

Warhammer: The Old World RulebookForces of Fantasy, and Ravening Hordes

The Old World Rulebook, Forces of Fantasy, and Ravening Hordes

This trio of hardback tomes are the ideal way to bring your armies back to battlefields of the Old World. 

The rulebook’s 352 pages are packed with lore about the World of Legend, and all the rules for the game, from manoeuvring your blocks of troops and fighting in vicious combat, to harnessing the winds of magic and linking your battles into epic campaigns.

Forces of Fantasy meanwhile contains army lists for those on the side of good: the Dwarfen Mountain Holds, the Empire of Man, the Kingdom of Bretonnia, the Wood Elf Realms, and the High Elf Realms. Each has profiles for every unit in the army, plus special rules for that faction, unique spells, magic items, and more, alongside showcases of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures.

Ravening Hordes does the same job for the monstrous forces of evil, covering the Orc and Goblin Tribes, the Warriors of Chaos, the Beastmen Brayherds, and the Tomb Kings of Khemri.

These are the essentials to playing Warhammer The Old World, so if you want to play start here (or the launch boxes above).

Arcane Journal: Kingdom of Bretonnia

Arcane Journal Kingdom of Bretonnia

Devotees of the Lady of the Lake can supplement the Grand Army list in Forces of Fantasy with Arcane Journal: Kingdom of Bretonnia. This paperback volume delves further into the background of the land of chivalry, as well as adding a plethora of new rules content, including three heroes of legend and two Armies of Infamy based around Errantry Crusades and exiled knights, giving you more ways to play with your Bretonnian collection.

While the books provide the big sets of rules, the arcane journals provide more specific information to factions, along with some more optional rules for tabletop.

Alongside the Arcane Journal, you’ll be able to pre-order a range of Bretonnian models in plastic, metal, and Forge World resin.

There are a ton of miniature kits also releasing.  We won’t talk about all of them, but we will highlight our favorite ones!

Battle Standard Bearer on Royal Pegasus

Battle Standard Bearer on Royal Pegasus

The most noble of Bretonnian Paladins are given the honour of carrying their liege’s banner into battle. Those of purest heart can do so from the back of a mighty Royal Pegasus, ensuring that their lord’s colours can be seen across the battlefield. This plastic kit allows you to build just such a champion of the Lady.

As one of the specialties of Bretonnia, it only makes sense that this mini gets a great new mini for the reboot.

Pegasus Knights

Pegasus Knights

The bravest of Bretonnian Knights take to the skies on the back of majestic winged steeds, swooping down on their foes with lances poised to strike. This classic plastic kit builds three Pegasus Knights.

Grail Knights and Grail Knights Command

Grail Knights and Grail Knights Command

Some Bretonnian Knights are marked by the Lady and embark upon a quest to find and drink from the Grail. If they succeed, they are forever changed, granted super-human prowess.

The Grail Knights kit contains three metal Grail Knights with plastic horses, enough for a small unit. The Grail Knights Command group gives you a champion, musician and banner to lead your heroes.

Battle Pilgrims and Grail Reliquae

Battle Pilgrims and Grail Reliquae

Wherever Grail Knights travel, they are followed by bands of dedicated pilgrims who worship them as living avatars of the Lady. When the knights go to war, so do these Battle Pilgrims. When a Grail Knights falls in battle, the pilgrims venerate their corpse, carrying it aloft to spur all who see it to the heights of valour. 

The Battle Pilgrims kit consists of 12 metal Battle Pilgrims, with nine different models, three of which are included twice. The Grail Reliquae kit contains seven metal models – six Battle Pilgrims and the Reliquae itself. Additional Battle Pilgrims can be added to this unit to help defend the Reliquae.

Mounted Yeomen and Mounted Yeomen Command

Mounted Yeomen and Mounted Yeomen Command

Yeoman have reached one of the highest ranks to which a Bretonnian peasant can aspire – trusted servants, head gaolers, militia sergeants, who are even granted the right to ride to war on sturdy draught horses. They’re tasked with scouting ahead of the main force and guarding the inglorious flanks.

The Mounted Yeomen kit comprises five metal models on plastic horses. The Mounted Yeomen Command kit includes three metal models – a Warden, a standard bearer and a musician – on plastic horses. 

Handmaiden of the Lady

Handmaiden of the Lady

Bretonnian armies are often joined in battle by Handmaidens of the Lady, fey enchantresses whose powerful magic can turn the tide of war. This miniature in Forge World resin can be used as a Damsel or Prophetess, and includes options for her head and both hands.

Battle Standard Bearer on Foot and Mounted

Battle Standard Bearer on Foot and Mounted

One Paladin in any Bretonnian crusade will be given the honour of carrying the army’s battle standard. The two models in this set are Forge World resin, and allow you to have your Battle Standard Bearer on foot to inspire the peasantry, or mounted on horseback to ride with your knights.

Questing Knight Paladin with Great Weapon

Questing Knight Paladin with Great Weapon

When a knight’s Grail quest leads them to cross paths with their fellow knights, they will eagerly join the battle, searching for any sign that the foe can lead them closer to their goal. This Forge World resin model is one such Questing Knight, perfect to use as a Paladin with the Questing Vow. You can choose between bare and helmeted heads for this storied hero.

As a super sick, new mini, this character is spewing personality and power. It’s probably not a bad mini for other games, either!

Kingdom of Bretonnia Reference Cards and Dice

Kingdom of Bretonnia Reference Cards and Dice

Bretonnian armies will be full of magic items and Knightly Virtues, and the best way to keep them straight in battle is with this handy set of 36 reference cards covering all the unique magic items, spells, and Knightly Virtues from Forces of Fantasy. 

You can also get a set of 18 metallic silver swirl dice with the iconic fleur de lys replacing the 6 – perfect for gaining the Lady’s favour – which also includes similarly coloured scatter and artillery dice. 

Learn the rules more smoothly and roll in style with these two supplemental products.

Arcane Journal: Tomb Kings of Khemri

Arcane Journal Tomb Kings of Khemri

Expand your Tomb Kings of Khemri army beyond Ravening Hordes with this paperback Arcane Journal, featuring rules for magic items and three heroes of the dead, including the iconic first Tomb King, Settra the Imperishable. You can also theme your army around two Armies of Infamy – Nehekharan Royal Hosts or the Mortuary Cult, each with its own unique units, which have full profiles in the book. You’ll also learn more about the Tomb Kings, their history, and the sinister Land of the Dead from which they hail.

Just like the Bretonnians, pick up some more specialized rules and lore in the smaller Arcane Journal books.

Tomb Guard

Tomb Guard

A Nehekharan monarch’s elite guard would be buried with them, returning to unlife when they did as Tomb Guard. This boxed set contains 20 classic plastic Tomb Guard, with options for hand weapons or halberds, as well as enough parts to build Tomb Captains, standard bearers or musicians for each of your units.

Sepulchral Stalkers

Sepulchral Stalkers

Created to protect the borders of Nehekhara, Sepulchral Stalkers are terrifying constructs that lurk beneath the sands, and emerge to kill those who would threaten the restful dead. This plastic kit builds three Sepulchral Stalkers, and can alternatively be built as Necropolis Knights, elite warriors who ride snake-like Necroserpents.



The Necrosphinx is a bizarre and terrifying construct, an amalgamation of mythical beasts that stalk the Nehekharan underworlds. This plastic kit lets you add one of these horrors to your army, and drag your enemies screaming into death.

Necrosphinx - khemrian warsphinx

If you prefer, you can build the kit as a Khemrian Warsphinx, a gigantic leonine construct with Tomb Guard riding upon its back. The kit also comes with a Tomb King, who can be mounted atop a Warsphinx or go to battle on foot.

The Tomb Spinx is a super iconic miniature with two options to boot! This is a fantastic one to see again!

Settra the Imperishable

Settra the Imperishable

As a mortal king of Nehekhara, Settra founded the Mortuary Cults, obsessed with gaining eternal life. When he awoke to the half-life of a mummified monstrosity, he swore that all the living would feel his wrath. This metal and plastic kit builds Settra atop his chariot, perfect for leading your skeletal hordes to eternal victory.


Liche Priest

Liche Priest

The Liche Priests of the Mortuary Cult hold the secrets to unlife, and on the battlefield they support the undying legions with incantations that bring unearthly vigour to skeletal bodies, or blast foes with deathly energies. This metal model can be used in your army as a Mortuary Priest or High Priest.



Carved into the likeness of Nehekhara’s gods of old, Ushabti guard the massive tomb complexes of Nehekhara, seeming to be no more than immobile statues… until their lieges are threatened. These two metal kits each build three Ushabti. You can choose between Ushabti with Ritual Blades, perfect for hacking enemies apart in melee, or Ushabti with Greatbows, who pick off foes from afar.

Tomb King

Tomb King

The monarchs of Nehekhara lead their deathly hordes to war. Vengeful spirits trapped in mummified corpses, they channel their will into pushing their troops forward, and sating their eternal hatred on the living who defile their ruined kingdoms. This Forge World resin Tomb King model is armed with two hand weapons, and makes a great leader for a unit of Skeleton Warriors or Tomb Guard.

As a model previewed long ago, it’s great to see him finally coming out!

Battle Standard Bearer

Battle Standard Bearer

When a Nehekharan monarch leads their undead armies to war, they march beneath the shadow of their ancient banner, carried by a Royal Herald who is also the monarch’s sworn protector on the battlefield. This new kit builds one Royal Herald with a flail, cast in Forge World resin.

Tomb Swarms

Tomb Swarms

When the monarchs and priests of Nehekhara channel their magic to raise the armies of the dead, the many creatures that once inhabited tomb complexes are restored alongside them. These scorpions, scarabs, and other poisonous beasts form deadly swarms that can overwhelm the unwary. This new kit builds three Tomb Swarms in Forge World resin to use in your Tomb Kings of Khemri army.

As one of the coolest “monster” units, this is definitely a dope redesign.

Tomb Kings of Khemri Reference Cards and Dice

Tomb Kings of Khemri Reference Cards and Dice

Keep track of your magic items and spells in the heat of battle with a set of 36 reference cards containing all the rules for the Tomb King’s artefacts and incantations from Ravening Hordes. While you’re at it, enhance your rolls with a set of 20 bone-coloured dice with dark red etching. The 18 D6s have a Tomb Kings symbol replacing the six, and are joined by a scatter dice and an artillery dice.

Play games faster and do it in style with these two products.

Warhammer: The Old World Dice Set, Lore of Magic Reference Cards, Common Magic Items Reference Cards, and Card Sleeves

Warhammer The Old World Dice Set, Lore of Magic Reference Cards, Common Magic Items Reference Cards, and Card Sleeves

If you want to keep your dice in-theme for the World of Legend, but don’t command Bretonnians or Tomb Kings, the Warhammer: The Old World Dice Set is for you. Crafted with a pearlescent blue swirl and gold ink, they have the iconic hammer Ghal-Maraz in place of the six on the 18 D6s. The set also includes a scatter dice and an artillery dice.

The two Warhammer: The Old World Reference Card packs give you an easy way to keep track of your common magic items – usable by any army in the game – and spell lores as you play. The Common Magic Items set includes 56 cards, and the Lores of Magic set has 56 cards covering eight lores of magic. You can also protect your cards with a set of 50 sleeves featuring the Warhammer: The Old World logo on the backs.

Bases and Modular Movement Trays

Bases and Modular Movement Trays

Warhammer: The Old World uses square and rectangular bases, many of them larger than those used for previous iterations of the game of fantasy battles. If you want to rebase your venerable forces for the new Old World, you’ll want to pick up some of these sets. There are 11 packs to choose from, with every variation of base you could need, from 25mm squares for infantry all the way up to 100x150mm rectangles for the very largest of monsters.

Bases and Modular Movement Trays 2

Moving ranked units around is much easier with movement trays, and the Modular Movement Trays set allows you to build them to fit your units. It includes two 200x200mm sheets and various pieces of edging, ready to be cut and glued to suit your needs.

Warhammer: The Old World – Map of the Old World

Warhammer The Old World – Map of the Old World

Plan your campaigns of conquest with this stunning map of the Old World. Measuring an immense 1,000x890mm – yes, that’s a whole metre in length! – and printed on heavyweight poster paper, it showcases the locations and factions of the Old World.

Grab this to study or display The Old World Warhammer map !

What do you think of the new release items hitting pre-order this week for Warhammer the Old World?

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