Harlequin Masques – Codex Teaser?

By Rob Baer | February 5th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

harlequin walpaper

Will there be a codex for the Harlequins? At least one person thinks they have the scoop!

Plus a few more pics of the gorgeous skyweaver jetbikes to boot.

First of the Codex bit,

via Neckutter on Warseer (reposted by Faeit)

On sale February 14th, “Harlequin Masques” are for sale along with harlequin heraldry. Sounds like the codex is for sale on that day, and the painting guide as well. Harlequin Masques are what the army is referred to.

Okay fair, I can almost get behind that. A lot of people were saying code delivers on FEB 21 so pre-orders could be the 14th (makes sense business wise cause of Valentines Day and all).

Then new pretty pics of the Skyweavers

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Checkout All the Harlequin pics and news in the;

Full Harlequin Rumor Roundup