Have You Seen All The New Pics? – Heresy Starter Set Roundup

By Rob Baer | November 2nd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

horus heresy box cover

Have you caught up with all the various Horus Heresy pictures that have been spotted over the last few days? Come see the very best so far!

First off we have our exclusive pics that we broke late Wednesday night, that show the majority of the detail of the miniatures themselves!

Editor’s Note:  It was pretty humbling and also maddening to see how the internet reacted to the release of these pictures. Some folks appreciated our efforts, some folks took them and posted them as theirs, and one very brazen website even watermarked them as their own property!  I was also accused of even “copying them” from BoLS, which really gave me a good chuckle.

Don’t me wrong, I loved the whole adventure, and would help out the hobby again in an instant – it was just a very interesting experience seeing just h0w these images propagated though the community.

hh1 hh hh5 horus heresy battle for calth exclusive spikey bits hh3 horus Heresy contemptor dreadnought plastic

The very next day Millest. got a hold of the box too, and gave us some great shots of the 48 page rules insert, and the box cover itself (above):


And last but not least, some shots of the complete products via Clan Khorvaak 




via B&C’s Hellath 10-30-2015


Checkout how to convert up a Left and Right version of each arm in plastic from the kit!

Wow what a rush. I am sure we’ll start seeing new pics from the White Dwarf any day now, but until then we’ll just have to keep waiting patiently for the next tidbit or sighting of the new miniatures!

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