5 Wildest 40k Armies to Collect: Wishlist


wildest-armies-40kCome check out A-Dawg’s list of the 5 wildest 40k armies to collect! They may not be cheap, but they are amazing!

There are a ton of cool armies in 40k, but these are on the top of the list of cool! Let’s get into it.

5 Wildest 40k Armies to Collect: Wishlist

If you need to know anything about Austin or Max, it’s that they are complete degenerates when it comes to collecting armies and models.  A second thing to know is that their loved ones are a step away from calling the hoarders’ hotline for an intervention.  I know you can relate.

But even with all this madness and giant collections, there are some armies that are just too wild for Austin to consider.  How wild?  Glad you asked!

Crazy-themed and crazy expensive armies are today’s picks of A-Dawg’s Top Dogs!

5- Necrons

necrons in white walNecrons are a competitive player’s nightmare because practically everwildest-armies-40ky unit in the book is playable and good.  They also have one of the largest model ranges outside of power armor.

This means that you can build a different list every week for a year and still have something powerful.  It also means that you want to own EVERYTHING from that range.  Just because…  you CAN actually play it.  Truly a nightmare.

4- Space Wolves

Not your regular grey space marines with a beard here and a pelt there.  We are talking full-blown Space Vikings!

There’s nothing wrong with the Space Wolves, they are a great army with great models.  But the ceiling of awesome is pretty high with what you can do with the baddest of asses of the Emperor’s legion.

3- Custodes

custodesThey are clad in gold for a reason, you know?!  And don’t get me wrong, Custodes can be a very budget-friendly army because you don’t need a lot of models.  But not Austin, no sir.

We need all of the sentinels clad in gold, and why stop at the GW range.  All of the coolest, and, let’s face it, most OP Custodes units are from Forge World.

BRING IN THE BLING, at number 3!

2-Grey Knights

Grey Knights Wal HorNow I know what you’re thinking, 2nd place for Grey Knights is sort of high.  No large models, not a large range, very few Forge World options…


Primaris.  Grey Knights.

Oh yes!  We are giving our Grey Knights a sweet sweet taste of the rubicon and fielding them all as Primaris-sized daemon hunters.

I’ve been lucky enough to see one such army and nothing has sucked my will to play my own regular-sized Grey Knights faster because of how amazing they look.

1-Dark Mechanicus

wargame-exclusive-mechanic-dark-priestDark Mechanicus models by Wargame Exclusive

That’s right, why not leave 1st place to an army that doesn’t exist outside of the lore.

Old school gamers might remember the time when the Adeptus Mechanicus itself was an army that did not exist and had to be converted from scratch.

Well, that’s the good news with Dark Mechanicus, you now have a full range of models to chaos-ify.

This is truly an army where it’s easy to get carried away with, as the sky is the limit in terms of conversions, count-as, and range of models.  Plus, it will look amazing for sure.

A-Dawg’s Top Dogs is a regular segment in The Mismatched Play, a Weekly Warhammer 40K Talk Show.  Catch it live on Twitch every Tuesday, or watch it on replay on YouTube anytime. Or check out his other top takes here.

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