Checkout the HUGE product list for this week’s Khorne Release, and the latest rumors on next week!
The new release salessheet from Games Workshop was just posted up this morning. Here’s what we know.
Via Faeit
Battletome Khorne $58
Bloodbound Mighty Skullcrushers $100
Bloodbound Skarr Bloodwrath $30 (Clampack)
Bloodbound Slaughterpriest $30 (Clampack)
Bloodbound Skullgrinder $30 (Clampack)
Repackages – In Finecast
Aspiring Deathbringer $20
Exalted Deathbringer w/ Axe $15
Valkia the Bloody $22
Bloodbound Lord on Juggernaut $50
Bloodbound Scyla Anfingrimm $50
So it looks like a ton of Khorne releases are coming our way this week! From the looks of it too, there may be yet ANOTHER week of new Chaos immedieately following this:
Just got told by someone who has seen the next two white dwarves that next weekends preorder, not this weekend is skarbrand, apparently he is a named Bloodthirster, big £80 and is an outcast as he was tricked into attacking Khorne by Tzeentch
-Exciting Times Indeed!
Top 5 Reasons Chaos is Secretly Good – Episode 17 –