Create your own excellent miniatures for D&D (or any other role-playing game), and get the latest releases from Hero Forge for April.
If you don’t know what Hero Forge is, it’s a way to build your own 3D miniatures for role-playing games and buy the STL file or a 3d printed version. It’s a fun program, if nothing else, because making your minis in a web browser is fantastic.
There are options for fantasy, sci-fi, western, and everything in between. Lately, they have been coming out with new model releases every week!
Today we’ll look at their latest from this month so far, but keep checking back because they aren’t stopping the new miniature releases from the looks of it!
Like smashing dishes, there may be something satisfying about being able to demolish an object with a large hammer. And why settle for a sledgehammer when you can have a gorgeous warhammer instead? This set of two-handed heavy hitters includes the Double Headed Warhammer, Double Headed Pronged Warhammer, Spike Maul, and Horseman’s Hammer. Go find your favorite in the Gear menu.
The stars shine brightly in the darkness that settles over the untamed hinterland, far from the artificial constraints imposed by cities and society. In order to thrive in harsh environments, the Hinterland Hunter takes advantage of all the resources at their disposal. Get their durable leather clothing decorated with bone in the Clothing menu and prepare to face the challenges of the wilderness!
Sometimes brute force and guns blazing is exactly the right approach, but when more subtlety is required – covert action is the name of the game. Sneak in with this team of highly trained and lethal agents, and they’ll never see you coming. Unless, of course, you rolled a 1.
Sometimes things are not quite what they appear. This is particularly unfortunate if the thing you were reaching for ends up being a weapon that’s a bit bent out of shape! Inspired by the Floppy Fishie, now you can take your pick from an entire collection of floppy tools and weapons in the Gear menu.
Crowns and circlets have a long history of being used to indicate power and authority at a glance. Whether you prefer a crown, a circlet, or a tiara, now you too can show your status – just don’t forget to check the dress code. Adorn your character with a crown or circlet and complete your very own set of royal regalia in the Clothing menu.
Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.
Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.