Hidden in Plain Sight: Mordheim & Battlefleet Gothic Are Next?

Hidden in Plain Sight: Mordheim & Battlefleet Gothic Are Next?

Have you been yearning for the return of Battlefleet Gothic and or Mordhiem to the tabletops? Well, you may be in luck. Check this out…

Warhammer Community posted a video on their Facebook showcasing their new “winged hammer” look. In the video, they mount the new logo on a billboard full of other titles they support and are currently in production. We’re talking about games like Warcry, Warhammer Underworlds, Titanicus, Kill Team, etc. But in all of those signs, there were two that stood out like a sore thumb.

It’s All Warhammer

warhammer logo

The video initially looks like just a cool way to advertise their new “all-encompassing” Warhammer logo, but is something more going on here…

Taking a look at the video, there’s a board covered in logos for games that are currently being supported by GW. Then the subject of the video walks up and slaps their new Warhammer logo right on top of everything. Now, if you look at all of the titles on the board you’ll find that the only two things we haven’t seen ANY recent previews on are Mordheim and Battlefleet Gothic.

gw hidden

What is Mordheim?


Mordheim’s original game was brought to the shelves back in 1999. The game takes place in a city called Mordheim after a comet strikes the town and scatters a material called Wyrdstone. Warbands clash against each other to get the Wyrdstone and win! Ultimately, you can think Warhammer Underworlds without the tiled-movement and instead of hunting shadeglass, you’re hunting Wyrdstone (and each other).

mordheim 2

What is Battlefleet Gothic? (BFG)

gothic wal

If you’re newer to the tabletop gaming scene, you might have only heard of Battlefleet Gothic on the PC. While it’s still being supported in the form of online gaming, the tabletop version hasn’t been touched on in a while. However, it used to be really popular back in the day!


If you’ve seen the PC version played, you’ll know it has to do with huge ships from all kinds of factions blasting each other apart in deep space. The tabletop version was just like that as well! Do you still have your old BFG models?

GW Loves Hiding Things in Plain Sight

lord discordant vigilus



lord discordant

Lord Discordant

vigilus ablaze unit


dark apostle

Dark Apostle

Looking at just one example of GW’s most recent release, Vigilus Ablaze had three brand new models on the cover of the book. These guys were hidden right under our noses for weeks until we saw the full model preview! Not to mention the Venomcrawler on the front of the Urban Conquest box as well.

Seeing a couple of dusty logos that aren’t supported could be discarded as nothing. But with GW’s love for hiding things in plain sight, we can’t be too sure.

They also added this quote:

At long last, we’ve solved it…

Which could, of course, mean they figured a way to bring all their properties together in one brand, or that perhaps there is something to solve in the video itself (or both).

All in all, it is entirely possible that GW gave us a teaser and intentionally left those game logos hiding in plain sight. There have been a few rumors here and there that Mordheim and Battlefleet Gothic could see a resurgence from Forge World/Specialist Games but this looks like the first real piece of solid evidence.

Until then, we’ll have to just watch and wait for any more previews to appear. What do you think about GW releasing Mordheim back on the shelves? Would they re-skin it to fit into Age of Sigmar’s lore? What Warband did you play back in the day? Do you play Battlefleet Gothic on the PC now?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.