Hidden in Plain Sight – New GW Releases SPOTTED?

By Rob Baer | July 13th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw logo new long

Come see the new unit that may have been hiding in plain sight that was just spotted for the new Orruk Bonesplittaz faction in the Age of Sigmar!

Take a closer look at this picture that from the new White Dwarf #129 that was spotted yesterday:



Now look closer:

savage big stabbas

Is that the new savage big stabbas unit that we were guessing about from the new General’s handbook?

savage bonesplittaz

Pg. 137 “Savage Big Stabbas”

That even looks like a unit of two as well!  What other “new” units have you spotted in the General’s Handbook? The whole Bonesplittaz tribe entry is in the General’s handbook

Savage Orruks $57

99120209024_SavageOrcsNEW03 99120209024_SavageOrcsXbox

++update++ It looks like these guys are part of the Savage Orc Boyz Box and not new. But it’s cool that they are making rules for not just a box set but also the separate units inside it. 

Thanks to everyone who brought this to our attention.

New Orruk Bonesplittaz