Come see the new unit that may have been hiding in plain sight that was just spotted for the new Orruk Bonesplittaz faction in the Age of Sigmar!
Take a closer look at this picture that from the new White Dwarf #129 that was spotted yesterday:
Now look closer:
Is that the new savage big stabbas unit that we were guessing about from the new General’s handbook?
Pg. 137 “Savage Big Stabbas”
That even looks like a unit of two as well! What other “new” units have you spotted in the General’s Handbook? The whole Bonesplittaz tribe entry is in the General’s handbook
Savage Orruks $57
++update++ It looks like these guys are part of the Savage Orc Boyz Box and not new. But it’s cool that they are making rules for not just a box set but also the separate units inside it.
Thanks to everyone who brought this to our attention.