People Are 3d Printing Tiny Primarchs & Units for Legions Imperialis

Legion Imperialis PrimarchsWith the delays and stock issues (already), hobbyists have already started 3D printing tiny Primarchs and units for Legions Imperialis.

Back when the game first launched, some said there would be issues getting miniatures for the game, much like what happened to Adeptus Titanicus and Horus Heresy, respectively. Games Workshop built both those games up like crazy in the beginning, and then getting the miniatures crucial for building the armies quickly became impossible.

Hobbyists Already 3d Printing Tiny Primachs & Units for Legions Imperialis

While LI isn’t in nearly as dire of a spot, even before the game’s launch, almost everything is sold out on the Warhammer website. While we hope this is just temporary, we’ve seen some new releases (we’re looking at you, Sagitaur, and the Lion) that have been nearly impossible to get from the beginning.

Speaking of the lion, this excellent print/kitbash was spotted on Reddit.

3d Printing Legions ImperialisFrom the looks of it, someone already made the Lion in an Epic scale, and it’s just amazing! Even if you don’t play the game, this could be super fun to have hanging around your table just as a mascot for games.

3d Printing Legions Imperialis 4The scale looks pretty awesome to us, and the OP said they might print out other Primarchs! It would be much faster than waiting for GW to come out with them all, and they look great! From the looks of it, with hobbyists already printing models that may or may not even be released at this scale, it probably won’t be long until they print out other units for the game. The reason is that, at launch, nearly all the individual units for Legions Imperialis are out of stock at Games Workshop.

Nothing in Stock

3d Printing Legions Imperialis 5 3d Printing Legions Imperialis 6As you can see, basically nothing is in stock… While this is all for pre-order (hitting shelves on December 2nd, 2023), no one knows when they will be back in stock. Judging from the previous examples, Games Workshop doesn’t seem to restock quickly, and if you didn’t get what you wanted right away, we’re not sure when you can again. So it is possible for a lot of hobbyists who were already forced to wait for this release since it was delayed over the summer, 3D printing might be the only way to get enough models to actually play the game.

3d Printing Legions Imperialis 7Not even the flyers are really in stock, and these are just old kits with new bases.

legions Imperialis

Remember that while these have the pre-order tag, all of these items were previously orderable from Games Workshop on November 18th, 2023. It’s sad, but products actually being in stock seem to be the exception, not the norm for any new release from Games Workshop, which seems counterproductive for actually playing these games. However, Games Workshop’s CEO would disagree that it is bad, so much so that he said they plan on selling out every release.

gw sells out

Either way, hobbyist may have their hands full these days if they plan on starting up any new army or game these days that GW produces.

What do you think about the 3D-printed Primarch, and do you think most people will have to use 3D printing to get what they want? 

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