HORUS HERESY – Plastics, Allies Matrix & More

By Rob Baer | February 25th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


If Forge World prices was the only thing holding you back from playing Horus Heresy, then you may not have an excuse much longer!

via Steve the Warboss 2-25-2015

-Gaming Set Includes a Suppliment for the Age of Darkness
-Rules and a Dettachment for Playing Legio Astartes and Xenos in the Past of 40k
-A new Allied Matrix including Xenos of the 31st Millenium
-Very generic Dataslates for the Models, only the featured Characters will have specific Background, but can used for any Legion
-Unlike the previous Sets, the Squads will have no unique Leaders, only names “Sergeant”
-Box will include 6 versions of new Sprues

Full Horus Heresy Plastic Roundup



-Looks like we’re not in Kansas anymore Astarte.