New Horus Heresy Upgrades, Predator, Pricing & Where To Get Yours

new-releases-gwHere’s the pricing and where to get the new Horus Heresy Upgrades, Predator, Underworlds, and more.

Check out the new releases from Games Workshop, which are all up for pre-order now!

Horus Heresy Predator, Upgrades & More: Pricing & Where To Get Yours

There is also the big LoTR box set in this week’s pre-orders as well, but it is a strange MTO where you will get it in December. Just something to keep in mind.

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Deimos Pattern Predator Battle Tank Retail Price: $65

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Deimos Pattern Predator Battle Tank

This multipart plastic kit builds one Legion Predator, a versatile battle tank in the Deimos pattern. This powerful tank stalks the battlefield in armoured squadrons, and can be built with one of four turret weapons – a rapid-fire Predator cannon, a tank-busting gravis lascannon, a potent volkite macro-saker, or a crushing graviton cannon. It also boasts a pair of sponson weapons – heavy bolters, heavy flamers, lascannons, or volkite culverins – that can supplement its primary weapon or allow it to engage a more diverse range of threats.

The kit also includes components to upgrade the Legion Predator with a pintle-mounted weapon – a havoc launcher, heavy bolter, heavy flamer, multi-melta, or a combi-weapon with five configurations (bolter, flamer, melta, plasma, or volkite) – as well as a searchlight, a dozer blade, a hunter-killer missile, and a number of cosmetic options, such as towing hooks, sigils, and a choice of a Space Marine gunner, spotter, or closed hatch.

This kit comprises 104 plastic components, and is supplied with a Legiones Astartes Vehicle Transfer Sheet containing 44 optional markings and icons for the Sons of Horus and Imperial Fists Legions. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

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Deimos Pattern Predator Battle Tank sprue 3


Deimos Pattern Predator Battle Tank sprue 4


Deimos Pattern Predator Battle Tank sprue 5

Pick up this sweet tank for your Horus Heresy legions if you need a little bit extra firepower for fewer points!

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Heavy Flamers, Multi-meltas, and Plasma Cannons Retail Price: $42

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Heavy Flamers, Multi-meltas, and Plasma Cannons

This plastic upgrade kit can be used to equip Legionaries from the MKVI Tactical Squad set with powerful heavy weapons, suitable for use in a Legion Heavy Support Squad. The kit includes 10 heavy flamers, 10 multi-meltas, and 10 shoulder-mounted plasma cannons, along with arms suited to each weapon, allowing you to upgrade up to three Heavy Support Squads of 10 models, or six units of five models. Also included are four augury scanners which can be carried alongside a heavy weapon, allowing your Heavy Support Squads to detect and eliminate enemy units.

This upgrade kit comprises 160 plastic components and is designed to be assembled with the MKVI Tactical Squad set, which is sold separately. These components are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Heavy Flamers, Multi-meltas, and Plasma Cannons sprue 1


Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Heavy Flamers, Multi-meltas, and Plasma Cannons sprue 2

More weapon options are always good, especially when those help you take out armored targets.

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Volkite Culverins, Lascannons, and Autocannons Retail Price: $42

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Volkite Culverins, Lascannons, and Autocannons

This plastic upgrade kit can be used to equip Legionaries from the MKVI Tactical Squad set with powerful heavy weapons, suitable for use in a Legion Heavy Support Squad. The kit includes 10 volkite culverins, 10 autocannons, and 10 shoulder-mounted lascannons, along with arms suited to each weapon, allowing you to upgrade up to three Heavy Support Squads of 10 models, or six units of five models. Also included are four augury scanners which can be carried alongside a heavy weapon, allowing your Heavy Support Squads to detect and eliminate enemy units.

This upgrade kit comprises 160 plastic components and is designed to be assembled with the MKVI Tactical Squad set, which is sold separately. These components are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Volkite Culverins, Lascannons, and Autocannons sprue

Just like above, more weapon options are good!

Liber Mechanicum – Forces of the Omnissiah Army Book Retail Price: $50

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Liber Mechanicum

The mechanical might of Mars joins the battle for the galaxy in Liber Mechanicum – Forces of the Omnissiah Army Book, containing the full rules for fielding a variety of Mechanicum-aligned armies. The Taghmata Mechanicum encompasses an array of esoteric battle-automata and their Techpriest custodians, bringing a taste of Dark Age technology to the 31st Millennium.

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness Reference Cards Retail Price: $16.50

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Warhammer The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness Reference Cards

This deck contains 24 cards, including:
– 6x Core Reaction cards
– 2x Advanced Reaction cards
– 3x Core Warlord Traits cards
– 7x Psychic Weapons cards
– 6x Psychic Powers cards

Reference cards help to speed up learning games, so these are an easy pickup if you are trying to speed up you games a little bit.

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Datacards: Chaos Daemons Retail Price: $29

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Datacards Chaos Daemons

This pack contains 88 datacards, divided as follows:
– 20x Warp Storm datacards
– 6x Khorne Stratagem datacards
– 8x Tzeentch Stratagem datacards
– 8x Nurgle Stratagem datacards
– 8x Slaanesh Stratagem datacards
– 6x Disciples of Be’lakor Stratagem datacards
– 6x Pandaemoniac Discipline psychic power datacards
– 6x Warprot Discipline psychic power datacards
– 6x Soulstain Discipline psychic power datacards
– 6x Noctic Discipline psychic power datacards
– 1x Smite psychic power datacard
– 7x Core Stratagem datacards

You will need a copy of Codex: Chaos Daemons to make full use of these cards.

With the newly releases Chaos Daemon rules, these cards can help you learn and memorize the new rules!

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Gorechosen of Dromm Retail Price: $42

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Gorechosen of Dromm

This set includes:
– 3x push-fit Gorechosen of Dromm miniatures – no glue required to assemble, cast in bloody red plastic to stand out even when unpainted.

– 3x double-sided fighter cards, one for each warrior in the warband – Skullgrinder Herax, the Gorehulk, and Dromm, Wounder of Worlds.

– A further 66 cards to enhance your fighters and provide new tactics and challenges for your games of Warhammer Underworlds: Nethermaze, including:
– 12x Gorechosen of Dromm objective cards
– 10x Gorechosen of Dromm upgrade cards
– 10x Gorechosen of Dromm gambit cards (includes 3x Domain card)

– 6x Universal objective cards, usable by any warband
– 7x Universal upgrade cards, usable by any warband (includes 1x Map card and 1x Domain card)
– 7x Universal gambit cards, usable by any warband (includes 2x Domain cards)
– 12x Grand Alliance cards, usable by any warband belonging to the specified Grand Alliance

– 1x Gorechosen of Dromm Warband Background / Rivals Deck Card
– 1x cover card

Miniatures in this box are supplied unpainted and require assembly

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Gorechosen of Dromm sprue 2

This new Khorne warband might be popular for players as they just previewed the new box set at Nova Open 2022

Deadly Depths Rivals Deck Retail Price: $29

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Deadly Depths Rivals Deck

This deck contains 32 universal cards, consisting of:
– 12x objective cards
– 10x gambit cards
– 10x upgrade cards

You’ll need a copy of the latest Warhammer Underworlds core rules to use the contents of this deck.

Decks are an easy way to increase variance in Underworlds; this is no different!

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White Dwarf 480 Retail Price: $11

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

White Dwarf 480

White Dwarf is Games Workshop’s premium Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing content each month – including new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more.

The Lord of The Rings™ Battle of Osgiliath™

The Miniatures

The Forces of Good
– Faramir™, Captain of Gondor
– Madril, Captain of Ithilien
– Damrod, Ranger of Ithilien
– 12 Warriors of Minas Tirith™ clad in heavy armour to hold the line and wielding a variety of weapons
– 12 Rangers of Gondor™, equipped to pick off their enemies from the shadows with sturdy bows before cutting them down with sword and spear

The Forces of Evil
– Gothmog™, Lieutenant of Sauron™, both mounted on his oversized Warg™, and another model showing him on foot
– 24 heavily-armoured Morannon™ Orcs with shields and wicked melee weapons
– 1 armoured Mordor™ Troll, swinging a gargantuan hammer

The Lord of The Rings™ Battle of Osgiliath™ terrain

The Scenery
– 2 sets of modular battlescarred Gondor™ Ruins, building four large pieces. They can also be combined to create larger structures

The box also contains a 16-page booklet with all the scenarios and profiles you need to recreate the Battle of Osgiliath with your models. Four Scenarios allow you to play through a linked mini campaign – The Orcs Cross the Anduin, Ambush!, The Hunter or The Hunted?, and Fall Back to Minas Tirith!

The Accessories
– 12 6-sided dice in two colours
– A range ruler
– A double-sided sheet of punch-out tokens, used in game to denote effects and statuses of models.

There are actually quite a few Lord of the Rings releases! So feel free to check them out in the WHC post. Additionally, this new box will be on pre-order for a while, but not deliver until the holiday season.

The Battle of Osgiliath has a very special advanced pre-order. It’s going to be available to order from the 10th of September until 8am BST on the 26th of September. Orders placed in this window should arrive before Christmas.

If you missed the latest few previews from GW, get all caught up with our coverage below:

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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