How to Paint Angron Fast: Peachy Painting Tutorial

Paint a PrimarchLearn how to paint a Primarch (Angron) fast with this awesome how-to tutorial from Peachy and the Painting Phase.

Peachy has recently joined the Painting Phase and started making excellent YouTube tutorials! They also have a cool Patreon, so if you want to show some extra support and get great rewards, go check that out by clicking here!

This week, we’ll look at how to quickly paint Angron and get him wrecking house in no time! Let’s see how to do it.

How to Paint Angron Fast: Peachy Painting Tutorial

Paint a Primarch 3When painting big models like this, you need a plan! So, he will go from the lowest points and move his way up.

Step 1:

Paint a Primarch 2For undercoating, he airbrushes this black and, while the paint is still wet, dusted it over with Vampire Red. To build up the tones, he drybrushes all the flesh with Beige Red in a few coats. For the parts of the skin he wants to be redder, he drybrush all that with Deep Red. For the raised extremities, he highlights them with Burn Orange.

Step 2:

Paint a Primarch 4Now it’s time to move on to the metals. He over brushes Bronze overall the brass details; you don’t have to be super careful here, as all the leftover red will look like dry blood. For the silver details, he over brushes all of them with Oily Steel, and the same thing applies to the red!

Once dry, he applies Targor Rageshade all over the metal bits; just watch out for pooling. With that dry, he returns and hits all the metal with a quick Oily Steel drybrush.

Step 3:

Paint a Primarch 5For any skulls, bones, or fleshy pipes, he just picks them all out with Rakarth Flesh and washes them with Targor Rageshade. For all the black areas, he hits everything with Black Legion, the only place he waters this down is for the wings.

Now for the base, he deeply coats everything with Deap Sea grey and lightly drybrushes with Rakarth Flesh. You can paint the Space Marine helmets any color you like, then just hit the whole thing with Targor Rageshade.

To fill any gaps around the base’s outside, he covers it all with Dry Ground. Next, to make some verdigris, he takes Striking Scorpions Green and applies it to a lot of the brass details he wants to be weathered. Then finish this step, he takes a sponge and puts on some red all over the axe to look like blood.

You could easily put him on the table like this, but he will take it a step further.

Step 4:

Paint a Primarch 6First, he drybrushes Deep Red onto the sword and picks out some raised areas on the face and hands with it. Following that, he takes Burn Orange and further highlights the same areas. For the black leather details, hooves, and claws, he highlights them with Deep Sea Grey. For the fur and wings, he once again highlights with Deep Sea Grey.

For any of the bone details, he highlights them with Warm Grey.

There you have it, about 6 hours, and you have an awesome-looking Primarch to smash through the enemy!

Be sure to watch the video below for all the details!

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