How to Paint Laser Blasters: Deadly Print Studio Tutorial

Blasters How to Paint featureLearning how to paint laser Blasters for Star Wars: Legion, or any sci-fi miniatures game, is easy with this Deadly Print Studio painting tutorial!

Deadly Print Studio has some of the coolest FXs for all kinds of miniature out there, which you can grab hereToday we’ll be talking about how to actually paint up their Blaster flash FXs that are perfect for Star Wars or any Sci-Fi games!

Let’s jump into their latest tutorial! 

How to Paint Blasters: Deadly Print Studio Miniature Painting Tutorial

Blasters How to PaintTo start, they pull up a reference of how they want the effects to look. Anytime you’re painting anything, you want to have a reference.

First up, here are all the paints we’ll be using:

First Syle

Blasters How to Paint 2We are painting two colors here, starting with the red, he mixes the Red contrast 50/50 with the medium and hits the whole effect. He then puts the fluorescent red and yellow onto the wet palette and paints 90% of the effect with the red and slowly adds in the yellow. Going more and more yellow the higher up the effect he goes.

This takes several layers, so don’t go too fast. The main thing here you want to do is pull the paint from the base to the top. Also, don’t forget to add a brighter tone at the bottom of the effect.

Blasters How to Paint 3To start here, he adds gloss varnish to the whole thing to improve translucency. If you want a little more depth, you can add pure red to the deepest parts after the gloss is dry.

Second Style

Blasters How to Paint 4This has a way bigger initial explosion, so he starts with the fluorescent mix from above but does much more on the bottom of the effect. But with the same style as above. While that’s drying he then goes through the steps above, just be sure to really make each blaster ray its own piece. Then, finish it off with the gloss varnish.

Third Style

Blasters How to Paint 5This is the blue technique. However, he starts the contrast with the Akhelian Green this time but still adds the medium. Once dry, he adds Verdin, Blue-Green, and white to the wet palette. He does the same technique as above, where the bottoms are the darkest (other than the very base of the effect) and pulls the lighter colors to the top, again finishing off with a gloss varnish.

Finished Effects

Blasters How to Paint 6And there you have it! Some super cool effects that just look amazing. Don’t forget, if you want to grab any of these amazing miniatures effects 3d STL files, or bits, you can by clicking the link below.

Get Your Blaster Effects Here!

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