How to Play Kharadron Overlords at 2000 Points & More

christmas-battlefrocesIn part two, we’re looking at the Christmas battleforces, taking them to full armies and how to play Kharadron Overlords at 2000 points.

Last week we covered the Destruction Battleboxes and how you can take them to 2000 points. Check that out here, this week we will round it out with the Disciples of Tzeentch and the Kharadron Overlords.

How to Play Kharadron Overlords at 2000 Points & More

These are both interesting factions in that the Disciples box goes away from the powerhouse Tzeentch list that is full of pink horrors. And the Kharadron Overlords were once on the bottom of the army tiers but are gaining traction as a strong army.


AoS Christmas Bundles Disciples of Tzeentch:

  • Kairos Fateweaver: Leader 1 of 6: 400 Points
  • 10 Taangors: Battleline 1 of 3: 180 Points
  • 3 Tzaanfor Skyfires: 200 Points
  • Gaunt Summoner: Leader 2 of 6: 240 Points
  • 10 Kairic Acolytes: Battleline 2 of 3: 100 Points
  • 10 Kairic Acolytes: Battleline 3 of 3: 100 Points

Total 1220 Points

This is a pretty good start to a mortal list of Tzeentch. So that is the direction I am going to lean in with this army.

Taking it to 2000

The first thing we are going to need to do is to round out your Karic Acolytes. So you have two units of twenty, which unfortunately will set you back $100. At this point, you are going to want to start filling out your leader slots as well. I like the changeling($35), the Curseling ($25), Magistrator ($15), and Ogroid thaumaturge ($40) for a total of $110. That will round out your leader slots. Your army will look something like this now.

tzeentch wal


  • Kairos Fateweaver: Leader 1 of 6: 400 Points
  • 10 Taangors: Battleline 1 of 3: 180 Points
  • 3 Tzaanfor Skyfires: 200 Points
  • Gaunt Summoner: Leader 2 of 6: 240 Points
  • 20 Kairic Acolytes: Battleline 2 of 3: 200 Points
  • 20 Kairic Acolytes: Battleline 3 of 3: 200 Points
  • Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch: Leader 3 of 6: 160 Points
  • Magister: Leader 4 of 6: 100 Points
  • The Changeling: Leader 5 of 6: 140 Points
  • Ogroid Thaumaturge: Leader 6 of 6: 160 Points

Total 1980 Points

The mortals of Tzeentch are not the greatest troops so do not expect to win tournaments. However, these are all newer models so expect to win the. I have cooler models than you factor. Also, there is a lot of variety in your models so do not expect to get board painting these guys. You might eek out some wins with your magic and ranged superiority. But outside your Tzaangors, this list isn’t really built for hand to hand combat and sitting on objectives.

kharadon overlod 2


AoS Christmas Bundles Kharadron Overlords Battleforce:

  • Brokk Grungsson: Leader 1 of 6: 220 Points
  • Arkanaut Frigate: Behemoth 1 of 4: 220 Points
  • 3 Endrinrigger: 100 Points
  • 3 Endrinrigger: 100 Points
  • 1 Grundstok Gunhauler: 130 Points: Battleline 1 of 3 (Barak Urbaz skyport)
  • 1 Grundstok Gunhauler: 130 Points: Battleline 2 of 3 (Barak Urbaz skyport)

Total points 900

The First Points Jump

This is an interesting army in that you are kind of forced to go Barak Urbaz Skyport to use the Gunhaulers as battlelines. So, to get that third one we are going to add the start collecting set that will build out your force and add some meat for claiming objectives. It’s also a cheap way to build out armies which are even better. Your army will look like this after adding it.

  • Brokk Grungsson: Leader 1 of 6: 220 Points
  • Endrinmaster with Endrinharness: Leader 2 of 6: 100 Points
  • Arkanaut Frigate: Behemoth 1 of 4: 220 Points
  • 3 Endrinrigger: 100 Points
  • Endrinrigger: 100 Points
  • 3 Skywardens: 100 Points
  • 1 Grundstok Gunhauler: 130 Points: Battleline 1 of 3 (Barak Urbaz skyport)
  • 3 Endrinrigger: 100 Points
  • 1 Grundstok Gunhauler: 130 Points: Battleline 2 of 3 (Barak Urbaz skyport)
  • 1 Grundstok Gunhauler: 130 Points: Battleline 3 of 3 (Barak Urbaz skyport)
  • 5 Grundstok Thunderers: 120 Points

Total 1350 Points

Taking it to 2000

We need to add some more leadership to this army and to fill out the marines that can load up onto the Frigate along with the Thunders. We are going to add an Arkanaut Admiral, Khemist, and Navigator each of which costs $30. Then Bjorgen Thundrik and his team for $25 to round out who is on the boat. After that, we are full up with the leaders, pretty full on the boat, and full of battleline so let’s add in another unit of Akywardens and Endrinrigger to round out the 2000 points.

Your final army will look something like this.

  • Brokk Grungsson: Leader 1 of 6: 220 Points
  • Endrinmaster with Endrinharness: Leader 2 of 6: 100 Points
  • Arkanaut Admiral: Leader 3 of 6: 120 points
  • 1 Arkanaut Khemist: Leader 4 of 6: 90 Points
  • Arkanaut Navigator: Leader 5 of 6: 100 Points
  • Bjorgen Thundrik and his lads: Leader 6 of 6: 140 Points
  • Arkanaut Frigate: Behemoth 1 of 4: 220 Points
  • 3 Endrinrigger: 100 Points
  • 3Endrinrigger: 100 Points
  • Skywardens: 100 Points
  • 3 Skywardens: 100 Points
  • 1 Grundstok Gunhauler: 130 Points: Battleline 1 of 3 (Barak Urbaz skyport)
  • 1 Grundstok Gunhauler: 130 Points: Battleline 2 of 3 (Barak Urbaz skyport)
  • 3 Endrinrigger: 100 Points
  • 1 Grundstok Gunhauler: 130 Points: Battleline 3 of 3 (Barak Urbaz skyport)
  • 5 Grundstok Thunderers: 120 Points

Total 2000 Points

Kharadron Overlords Wal Hor

Final Thoughts on the AoS Christmas Bundles

Pretty sure the competitive Kharadron Overlords army makes use of the Ironclad instead of the Frigate, but if we are building around the Christmas bundle, I can see this being a pretty fun army. You have your main ship, surrounded by all this flying support to zip around the battlefield and eventually dump off onto an objective to claim. It also seems like a very fun army to use in a narrative battle.

There you have it! my take on how you can take the Christmas bundles and build them out to 2000 points as cheaply as possible (without just buying two battle boxes). Hope you all get what you asked from Santa this year!

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About the Author: Travis Perkins

An avid homebrewer and Detroit sports fan (yes even the Lions). I am new to the world of wargamming and very much enjoying the journey. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to comment on the article or email me at perki116@msu.edu