Mark Your Squads With Dazzling New Colors & Magnets!

Squad Marks Markers v3Squad Marks has updated their bases with a brand new line of colors and features, like glue-free magnets, to help differentiate your units!

The many battlefields of war can become chaotic if you have a lot of infantry miniatures. Sometimes, it’s not always easy to tell which trooper belongs to which unit. Well, Squad Marks seeks to eliminate that problem and bring clarity to the fog of war with their new base accessories!

Huge New Selection Of Colors Squad Marks V3 Markers!

New Base Colors

With their new line of Squad Marks colors, you can get all of your favorite  25-28mm and 30-35mm Squad Marker base sizes in an array of new colors!

25-28mm Squad Marks V3: $8

Get 10% off your order using promo code: SPIKEYBITS

Squad Mark V3 2

They have these in almost any base size and even different colors, so don’t worry if you have a bunch of bigger bases!

Squad markers for 25mm to 28mm diameter bases and self adjusts to any base size in between. All Squad Marks come in a matte black colored plastic and have the magnet pressed into the Squad Mark, but it is removable with small pick tool.

Squad Mark V3

Best of all, the magnet is push-fit inside the marker, with no gluing required! The new size is also powerful enough to attach through the marker itself and still attract to all the trays and accessories you already use.

Each pack includes:

  • 10 x Squad markers

  • 10 x 8mm x 1mm rare earth magnets


Fits the following popular game bases:

Warhammer: 25mm & 28mm

Infinity the Game: 25mm

SW Legion: 27mm

30-35mm Squad Marks V3: $8

Get 10% off your order using promo code: SPIKEYBITS

30-35mm V3 3


Our V3 Squad Markers for 30mm to 35mm diameter bases. They self-adjust to any base size in between. All Squad Marks packs are offered in different matte-colored plastic and have the magnet pressed and glued into the Squad Mark. The magnet is removable with a small pick tool.

Squad Mark V3

Each pack includes:

  • 10 x Squad markers

  • 10 x 8mm x 1mm rare earth magnets

Squad Mark V3 4

Fits the following popular game bases:

Battletech: 30mm

Warmachine/ Hordes: 30mm

Warhammer: 32mm

Armada: 35mm (Squadrons)

Marvel Crisis Protocol: 35mm

Now, with the new colors, you can easily match your Squad Marks to the scheme of your army and keep your units organized and magnetized!

Click Here to Grab Your New Squad Marks Colors V3!

Be sure to get 10% off your order using promo code: SPIKEYBITS