Indomitus Box Set & 9th Edition 40k Core Rules: FIRST LOOK

By Travis Pasch | July 11th, 2020 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

warhammer gw store first lookThis is a good week for 40k players, so don’t miss a first look at the new 2020 Indomitus box set, the Core Rule Book, and paints!

The Indomitus set, new paints, core rules, and Open War cards are coming. Check out the new models for Indomittus, and everything that will be on pre-order for delivery on July 25th!

Indomitus Box Set

Indomitus box










9th Edition’s Core Book

The Core Book 9th

Win The Catachan Colonel: Enter Now

Open War Cards

Open War Cards 9th

Chapter Approved

Crusade Journal

Crusade Journal

Battlezone: Manufactorum – Battlefield

Battlezone Manufactorum Battlefield

40k Battlezone Manufactorum Objectives

40k objectives

40k Combat Gauge

combat gauge

40k Carrying Case

40k carrying case

Citadel Base: Runelord Brass (12mL)

citadel runelord brass

Citadel Layer: Canoptek Alloy (12mL) 

citadel canoptek alloy

Citadel Shade: Cryptek Armourshade (18mL) 

citadel cryptek armorshade

Citadel Technical: Tesseract Glow (18mL) 

citadel tesseract glow

Webstore Exclusives

The Limited Edition Core Book

The Limited Edition Core Book 9th


What will you be grabbing out of this release wave? Are you excited for the 40K Update? Or are you more excited about the paints and books?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!