Inferno Squad Blaze Into Star Wars Legion

We’re getting even more new Star Wars Legion models! This week the Inferno squad joins the fight to help keep the Empire on top.

After the Rebel Alliance shocked the Galaxy by destroying the Death Star, the Empire realized they could no longer rely on just their regular troopers. They immediately started commissioning specialized units. The Inferno Squad was one of the first they came up with. These specialists are some of the best-trained troopers in the Galaxy, whether in combat or piloting. They became the shock troops of the Empire wherever they needed the best support.

It won’t be long now before you get to play with these insane troops on the battlefield. If you want the Empire to continue, you need to pick these guys up! Let’s take a look at the unit from Fantasy Flight Games.

Inferno Squad:

Inferno SquadThis squad does not mess around! They will keep the Empire safe at whatever cost and are dispatched to the direst situations. If you’ve been loving all the new Legion releases, go check some more out here.

Inferno Squad BoxThe hype is real! All the Star Wars related games from Fantasy Flight Games have gotten tons of expansions over the last couple of weeks. It’s okay if you like playing the Empire over the Rebels, everyone needs a little evil now and then.

Inferno Squad CardsAs with all of the boxes you get all the cards you need to play the game. These are great because they give you all the rules plus weaponry.

CardsAnd you thought Han Solo, Chewy, and Luke were the only ones who could infiltrate? Rebel forces beware, the Inferno Squads are here!

That does it for this newest expansion. Who else is super pumped for all the new units? If you’ve been looking to get into the game, now is the best time ever!

The Empire Strikes With Their Own Specialists

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