Iron Kingdoms: Borderlands & Beyond Kickstarter

iron kingdoms feature rThe Iron Kingdoms: Borderlands and Beyond Kickstarter is expanding the 5E project from earlier this year- check out what you can score!

If you like RPGs then this is for you! Even if you haven’t played many RPGs but like all the games from Privateer Press then you should at least give it a look. The main part of the Kickstarter is centered around three new books, which are a follow-up to the last project, the good news is you can still get the books. What’s even better? Even if you missed out on the last project, you can play with just these books alone and don’t need the previous ones to play.

The Kickstarter is live now but doesn’t have much time left, so if you want in on it, don’t wait! The books will be shipping soon but you also grab the downloadable rules as well. Always nice to have both versions if you don’t feel like carrying the books around. Let’s jump into the new Kickstarter!

Iron Kingdoms: Borderlands & Beyond Kickstarter

Let’s check out all the pledge levels!

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iron kingdoms 2The player versions are pretty affordable and if you just want the digital rules, you can get into the game for super cheap!


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iron kingdoms4If you want to run your own campaigns, might as well grab the GM pledges and grab all three books!

iron kingdoms 5If you want to carry this in your store, this pledge will save you some cash. Let’s hear what they have to say about the project:

For the first time in the Iron Kingdoms: Requiem campaign setting for 5e, travel beyond the Iron Kingdoms’ borders and into the vast borderlands. Explore the ancient kingdoms of Ios, the elves’ mist-shrouded home, and the rugged mountain cities of Rhul where the ancient dwarves dwell. Set out on an adventure in the sun-beaten expanse of the Bloodstone Marches, home to scavengers, nomads, and vagabonds, or journey into the tangled Glimmerwood, where the tribes of sturdy trollkin, cunning bogrin, and others follow the old ways.


iron kingdoms 9There are bunches of cool add-ons, why not pick some up along with your pledge?

Stretch Goals

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iron kingdoms 8They’ve already hit a ton of stretch goals, but with how fast the project is going, we expect them to hit way more!

That does it for this one, now go get on this project.

Support the Project Here!