Iron Wolf Minis: The Bits You’ve Wanted For Up to 66% Off!

ironwolf minis gadgets plus knight upgreade bits

There’s a new way to shop for the conversion Knight bits you’ve been wanting and they’re up to 66% off! Check out the latest on Iron Wolf Minis.

As we have shown you in the past, Gadgets Plus has a store on Shapeways where you can get 3D-printed Knight bits individually. However, they’ve also just opened up their own store selling resin casts of the same bits over on Iron Wolf Minis.

If you loved their bits before, but not the prices, check out these new lower prices on their bits…

Gadgets Plus on Shapeways

gadgets plus iron wolf

Gadgets Plus has a ton of different Knight conversion options ranging from Armigers all the way up to the Dominus-Class Knights. However, looking at one of their most popular sellers, the Iron Wolf conversion kit is sold piece-by-piece on Shapeways. If you wanted to purchase everything highlighted in red through 3D printing, it would run you at least $145.50 (for 2x knee pads). Note that’s not even including the gauntlet weapon.

The pieces that were highlighted in red are what are also sold as a bundle on their new site, Iron Wolf Minis, for 1/3 of the price, in resin!

Resin Iron Wolf Conversion Kit $53

iron wolf minis resin knight

Important note: The resin Iron Wolf Bundle does not come with the left-hand gauntlet. Just the bits you see in a lighter grey from above. The way it looks, if you do want the lightning gauntlet bit, you’ll have to go through Gadgets Plus on Shapeways exclusively to get it.

iron wolf minis resin knight 2

Iron Wolf Minis has cut the costs down on their printed bits by up to 66% on bundles, and over 50% on single bits like thier Rotary Guns. Now, these resin bits may be the way to go for you!

In case you want a further look into what Gadgets Plus er Iron Wolf offers, we did a review on a converted Armiger using their 3D printed rotary cannons when Knights first hit 8th Edition 40k!

With a much cheaper resin alternative out there, what will you be getting now? Do you mind working with resin or would you rather pay the price for 3D prints?

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