Is Games Workshop Purposely Leaking PICS?

By Rob Baer | November 19th, 2015 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k Rumors

think ponder games workshop girl 40k

After taking a closer look at the latest blurry pictures to appear on the internet from GW, I’ve started to really wonder where these pictures are truly coming from.

Normally I’m not a big conspiracy guy honestly. I like to look at trends and use previous data to help predict future releases based on that data. But the three latest BIG picture leaks really got me wondering if Games Workshop really is leaking pictures on purpose.

Either there has been THREE big coincidences in the last six months alone of folks sharing pictures of GW product from places that don’t normally have anything to do with the hobby at all (like printers or manufacturers), or perhaps Games Workshop IS purposely posting these pictures in the hopes they go “hobby viral”?

Let’s take a close look at the last few pictures that were spotted of upcoming GW product before it was released.

Example 1: Horus Heresy Sprues


These pictures appeared in the last week of July 2015, right as the wind was starting to come out of the Age of Sigmar sails.

How did someone get a hold of product FOUR months before it was to be released? I could see how these were prototypes or perhaps GW contracted outside manufacturing to product enough Heresy boxes to meet their forecasts and they were leaked that way I suppose.

OR could these have been just a straight leak to stop the player hemorrhaging that started to happen from AoS fallout?


Example 2: New Tau

new tau ghostkneel stormsurge leaked

These images were spotted nearly a month before the Tau actually released,during the seeming death thrones of interest for Age of Sigmar, and back to school period for a lot of folks around the world.

You can clearly tell these were uncut sheets of what looked to be a Warhammer Visions magazine, and a White Dwarf weekly. Again maybe either someone outside the company (i.e. the magazine printer) texted these pics to a friend that was in the hobby, OR perhaps the leak did come from GW themselves?


Example 3: Farsight “The Eight”


These issues were just spotted, and again seem to have come from a printer judging from the uncut sheets. That part may be more a mystery in itself ad why would something that’s rumored to be coming out in the Mont’ka book be still in uncut form? Are these instead pictures of pages from the rumored Farsight supplement that may be out around the new year, or again did someone just leak these pictures to generate a buzz?

If this datasheet IS in the Mont’ka book that will be out next week, then why would anyone be releasing terrible quality pictures of this book from the printers?

Editor’s note, since the time this was written, it has become apparent that perhaps this formation was part of a single page from the new White Dwarf, and thus why it was so anemic and small.

However I think we can all agree in the fact that most pictures that are spotted seem to always be very blurry for no good reason. In the age of super camera phones, does that seem suspicious as well?


Remember though, Games Workshop is not known to have a marketing department, and they’ve been quoted as saying the White Dwarf and their YouTube IS their marketing even.

So why not leak a few pics, the only people it can hurt are themselves, right?

What do YOU think – is this all a coincidence, or a conspiracy? Or even people not being able to take cell phone pictures of all things?

Detective Benson told me once that three coincidences IS a conspiracy.

Episode 26 – GW : The CEO’s New Groove