It’s New 40k Chaos Finally: GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horFreddy Krueger lives in this obviously new 40k Chaos GW rumor engine that looks like a spooky claw just in time for Halloween season!

Games Workshop just unveiled another new rumor engine and this time it looks like a Daemonic Clawed hand!  Check out the details of the latest model that looks to be on the way for 40k or AoS from Warhammer Community.

New GW Rumor Engine: It’s 40k Chaos Finally

rumor engine 10-19-21This claw is actually super easy to predict. Unless GW is pulling a fast one, these clearly belong to a new 40k Chaos model. From that Iconic trim to fingers that look very similar to Venomcrawler legs,  with a Helbrute style armor plate, it doesn’t seem likely to be anything else but a new Chaos Space Marine model.

venomcrawlerIt’s not clear what exactly the new bit is… It could be a Warcry model, or a new Daemon Engine, or maybe even part of a new technologically enhanced marine! Anything and everything is possible, which is exciting because CSM still needs to receive some love in the 9th edition!

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopNot to mention there were already some rumors about CSM getting updated in the not-so-distant future… The big question everyone wants to know is when, but we will just have to sit back, wait, and see.

Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

What do you think this is? Could this really be as simple as another Stormcast Warband?

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