Jan White Dwarf Cover Featuring Chaos Spotted!

By Rob Baer | November 28th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

chaos abaddon battlefleet gothic

Chaos is back! Come see a teaser of the new White Dwarf Cover for Jan 2017 featuring Chaos Space Marines!

Games Workshop left us without a dope Chaos beat to step to for far too long, but boy are they making up for it as of late!

First it was Tzeentch, and now Chaos as a whole is stepping into the limelight starting with Codex Traitor Legions. Judging from January’s White Dwarf cover there may perhaps be more to the next release than we imagined!

Miniwars reported this today (translated):

Tremendous news from Games Workshop Roger de Llúria for the whole community hispanohabalante. From January we will have the White Dwarf in the language of Cervantes!


Someone sees skewers .. for example .. Ezekyle Abaddon, first member of Mournival, right handof the Lord of Horus War, better known in 40k as  Abaddon the Despoiler?

This image was posted on a GW store Site with the following translated text:

If you want to subscribe for the whole 2017 in Spanish, come to the store to do your subscription before 13 December and save all year to not lose you nor a number!

So as Miniwars eluded to, it does appear to be Abaddon the Despoiler hiding behind the blacked out area at first glance, BUT it could obviously just be a generic lord of Chaos hefting a sword to the Heavens as well!

A quick scan of several relavant search terms on Google yielded no help as to the art depicted on the cover unfortunetly. Coompare the cover art then to Abaddon’s miniature:

abaddon_miniatureCould it be the Despoiler on the cover? Well speaking of miniatures, if that IS Abaddon, what would it mean? Surly you can’t have a new supplement and a Black Crusade without a new miniature of Chaos’ main man, can you?

All shall be revealed in time I suppose, but for now mark you calendars as Chaos is beginning to surge to the fore of the hobby this holiday season!

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