Kharadron Arkanaut Frigates, the Armored Core of Duardin

Armies-on-Parade-Lore-AoS-Kharadron-OverlordsKharadron Arkanaut Frigates make up the technologically advanced armored core of the indomitable Duardin- check it out!

Do you like Steampunk Dwarves? Do you like insane flying machines? Well, then the Kharadron Overlords are your favorite army out there. Get out your biggest goggles and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

Kharadron Overlords FrigateThe Duardin of the Kharadron Overlords are known for their insane craftsmanship and technology. From Aether spewing firearms to their immaculate helmets and masks. The Arkanaut Frigates are one of their most noteworthy achievements however. These hulking ships can soar through the sky at speeds and height like many flying beasts.

The frigates also carrying its crew, cargo and enough firepower to bring down any obstacle in its path. It can handle many tasks, transporting goods and people, escort trade fleets and even aid in mining operations. But the Arkanaut Frigates’ main purpose is and will always be war. In battle the full potential of these machines are unleashed

The Arkanaut Frigate is the result of centuries of research, prototypes and refinement by the shipwright of the Endrineers Guild. Their mission was to create a ship to serve as the backbone of the air fleets. The frigate had to balance speed, armour, firepower and transport capacity so that the ship could serve in any role. It took them a while but they achieved it with the Arkanaut Frigate. This compact yet powerful ship is capable of amazing feats.

kharadron overlords paintedIt can soar through canyons and ravines with ease to shake off pursuers or flank enemies. Frigates also tend to serve as escorts in trade fleets. Due to the larger cargo hulks barely carrying weapons they need the powerful firepower of the Arkanaut Frigates.

The primary goal of the Arkanaut Frigates is to be powerful war machines. Thus they are appropriately covered from top to bottom in weapons and ammunition. It’s main armament is situated on the top deck, either a Heavy Sky Cannon or Heavy Skyhook.

These massive weapons are both equally capable of taking down any prey. The frigate has other weapons such as ball turrets equipped with Aethershot Carbines. Other more specialised weapons are also found on Arkanaut Frigates like detonation drills or skymines. In battle they are the centrepiece of the Kharadron military.

On the Field

Kharadron Overlords Wal HorOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Arkanaut Frigates are behemoth unit option for any Kharadron Overlords army. However they can be a battleline option when taken in a Barak-Zilfin army. They clock in at 220 points and for their 14 wounds they are a good and sturdy investment. As with other behemoths the Arkanaut Frigates’ movement and combat capabilities  decline as it loses more wounds. The more battered the frigate gets the worse it will perform in subsequent turns. Thus it is in a commander’s best interest to keep their frigate out of harm’s way lest the point investment is squandered.

The Arkanaut Frigate has two options for a main weapon: a Heavy Sky Cannon or Heavy Skyhook. The Heavy Sky Cannon has two modes of fire. When firing shrapnel it has a 24″ range with a powerful D6 amount of attacks for 2 damage. When firing Shells however it gets a longer range of 30″. But does 1 attack, however it does a powerful D6 damage.

The Heavy Skyhook has the same stats as the Shell rounds for the Heavy Sky Cannon but with less range. However, the Heavy Skyhook also increases the charge capabilities of the frigate by 2. The Aethershot Carbines mounted on the side add 4 attacks to the overall combat capabilities of the frigate at 12″

Kharadron OverlordsThe Arkanaut Frigates are also Flying Transports that can garrison 15 marine models. However, when more than 11 models are garrisoned it severely hinders the frigate’s movement. One of the frigate’s other abilities is the hard work of the Aetheric Navigator and Endrinrigger. This allows the frigate to heal itself during the hero phase while also improving run rolls. Arkanaut Frigates also carry bomb racks to throw bombs at enemies, halting any advance towards the frigate. At the start of the combat phase, it can throw bombs at an enemy unit within 1″. At a 4+ it deals D3 mortal wounds.

Arkanaut Frigates are the armoured backbone of the equally armoured Kharadron Overlords.

Learn More About Kharadron Arkanaut Frigates Here!