How Big Are They? Kharadron Overlords Release Date & Prices!

Kharadron Overlords The Kharadron Overlords release has been much anticipated, and it’s finally happening! Come find out the latest update on the release date.

Warhammer Community just announced the release date for the new Kharadron Overlords army, and it’s a lot sooner than you may think. Let’s see what they had to say about it and the announcement video.Kharadron Overlords

Landing next week, a brand new race for the Mortal Realms.

Kharadron Overlords

Forget everything you knew about duardin – these technologically gifted descendants of Grungni are lords of the skies and masters of the strange alchemical science of harvesting and using aether-gold – the mysterious power source of their wondrous sky-fleets.

Kharadron Overlords

You’ll be able to pre-order the Kharadron Overlords this Saturday, April 15th.  Are you ready for some Duardin decked out with head to toe armor, coming out of the skies to unleash fury upon Chaos? You know we are!

This is going to be a huge release for Games Workshop so be sure to check back in with us for the latest updates, we’ll be putting them out as soon as we get them!

april white dwarf

Just how big are they really? Don’t miss the April issue of White Dwarf, featuring the new sky faring iron clad Dwarfs we all have our eyes on!

april white dwarf

From the picture here of the new Dwarf faction we can see what size bases the model are going to be on which gives us an idea of the scale of the models them selves. The infantry appears to be on both 32mm and 25mm bases and the air ships are divided up between the large cavalry base, Dreadknight / flyer base, and the Titan base.

kharadron dwarves

Left to right: Flyer base, Large Cavalry, and Knight Titan sizes? Infantry in fore 32mm for jumptroops and 25mm for models on foot?

The Kharadron Overlords are joining the fight against Chaos, and we’re starting to see some great looking vehicles come to Age of Sigmar. Are your sea legs ready? What are your thoughts on the new Duardin faction? Let us know in the comments below!


UPDATE: Multiple UK Retailers have confirmed prices:

Arkanaut Company £27.50
Admiral £15
Frigate £50
Book £25
Cards £10

Prices for US consumers are forthcoming, keep your eyes peeled.

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