Khorne Daemonkin – Rules & Products Details

By Larry Vela | March 20th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

daemons walpaper


Khorne Daemonkin’s rules tidbits and product details are spilling out  with only hours to go… Come see the newest 40K codex’s secrets!

The Products:


 We have a cover!


And some lat minute details on the cards and limited edition:


Onto the rules:

via Faeit212’s source 3-19-2015

A Blood Host Detachment (the force organization chart in the codex) allows you to field two Bloodthirsters in your army. Also you get more as they can be summoned from the Blood Tithe.The Blood Tithe is a special rule that allows you to gain Blood Tithe pts every time you kill or lose a unit.Expending Blood Tithe pts gets you abilities which are on the 8 Blood God cards from the datacards set. The first one which is shown in the mag, is Infernal Contempt- which costs 1 Blood Tithe pt and grants all friendly units with the Blood from the Blood God special rule to gain Adamantium Will until the start of your next turn.You can spend your points once a turn to summon some daemons or give abilities to your units

8 Points you will get a Bloodthirster for free.

via badtucker 3-19-2015

Got my white dwarf… so good , theres a boon of khorne rule for a formation called the slaughtercult – when you pay the tithe they give you two results from the table instead of one , then you pick what one you want.

You must use points correctly… so if you you gain 6 points and a herald costs 4 – you will loose your remaining points. no stacking…makes the 8 point bloodthirster harder to summon. 8 is the max points that can be held.

only the classic bloodthirster build (normal demon codex one or unfettered fury in this book) can be summoned by tithe rules.
demonic rewards are the normal codex demon rewards.
points are gained from unit deaths on both sides…. friend or foe, WD suggests you sacrifice your cultists appropriately no word on vehicles though…but id assume they count

seems bloodtithe is the codex wide rule… anything in that army or any formations etc have it. the slaughtercult seems to be its own detachment or formation. where they get a khone boon roll ( i think you can spend points on that) its a bit vague but it might be like the chaos boon table? just aimed at khorne insted!

yeah you can carry points over turn to turn but you can only amass a max of 8. if you spend them on something any remainder points are lost. start again next turn
read again… turns out the slaughtercult pays tithe points and can pic two results from the table ( presumably if they have the points for it) insted of one result
everything in chaos marine codex is in this pretty much, acording to the WD (mentions helldrakes and so on…) …. only things that wont will be sorcerors, other cults and characters.

So it’s kind of a “gambler’s codex”, where you are trying to inflict as much death as possible, to summon the nastiest free stuff you can. Blood for the Blood god indeed.  I’m wondering what other army wide mechanics we might see for Nurgle, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh?