Kings of War Drops New Ogre Army Box Sets!

Ogre Army featureIf you’re looking for some really awesome big minis, the new Ogre army box sets from Mantic Games might be perfect!

They have two army bundles right now for the army, and both are pretty amazing. The Ogres just look really cool and capture that fantasy feel. Their smaller bundle comes with a bunch of Ogres but also some heroes, perfect to start an army.

Whereas the mega bundle comes with more Ogre goodness than you can shake a stick at. If you have some round bases, these could make for some of the coolest alternatives out there! 

Let’s take a closer look at the two new sets. Just keep in mind these are on pre-order now and will be hitting shelves on November 21st. 

Ogre Mega Army: $165

Ogre army 4


Ogre ArmyHere’s what they have to say about the set:

When Ogres unite into large War Parties, it is a rare thing indeed. There is no record of an army ever holding fast against them and scholars debate long into the night as to whether this is because Ogres have so rarely united in force, or because no opposition has ever survived to tell the tale.

Ogre army 2


Ogre army 3Here’s everything you get in the set:

  • 21x Plastic Ogre Infantry (options for Warriors, 2 handed weapons and Boomers)
  • 3x Plastic Chariots
  • 1x Resin Ogre Warlord (2022)
  • 22x MDF 40mm Square Bases
  • 3x MDF Chariot Base

Ogre Army Box: $100

Ogre army 5If you don’t want the giant box, this still has a lot of value and will give you a bunch of minis in a single buy.

Ogre army 6Here’s everything you get in this army set:

  • 18x Plastic Ogre Infantry (options for Warriors, 2 handed weapons and Boomers)
  • 1x Resin Ogre Warlock
  • 19x MDF 40mm Square Base

Ogre army 7That does it for this one, now go get some awesome Ogres!

Click Here to Get Your Ogre Army Box Sets!