Knight Models Teases the First Mini for Game of Thrones!

Knight models Game of Thrones featureKnight Models has secured Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon licenses, and now we’ve seen the very first mini for the game teased!

Knight Models has a ton of really cool miniatures already, with lines including Batman and Harry Potter. However, they aren’t stopping there, as 2023 looks to be a big year for them with more new licenses and games.

Even if you don’t feel like playing a Game of Thrones game, we’re sure the models will be amazing and full of detail. If you’ve seen any of their models before, you already know how well they adapt things from media to miniatures!

Plus, you can actually sign up for the newsletter now to see everything they are releasing for the game! Let’s take a closer look.

Knight Models Teases the First Mini for Game of Thrones!

Knight models Game of Thrones 4The first model looks amazing already! This really has us excited to see what else they come out with for the game.

Knight models Game of Thrones 3Let’s hear what they have to say about the new game and minis:

If you are a fan of the epic Game of Thrones TV series and love playing with miniatures, we have fantastic news for you! We are about to launch the new Game of Thrones Miniatures Game and we want you to be one of the first to know about all the exciting things we have planned for this amazing game.

So, what can you expect from the new Game of Thrones Miniatures Game? This immersive tabletop experience will be packed with exciting clashes and conspiracies between the Great Houses of Westeros, all thanks to highly detailed miniatures depicting your favorite Game of Thrones characters.

If you want to be one of the first to hear about the launch of the Game of Thrones Miniatures Game, sign up for our newsletter today! As a subscriber, you will receive regular updates on the game’s development, promotions, gameplay videos and tips and tricks from the developers.

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