Kromlech Forest & Wizard Shop Terrain: Unboxing

Kromlech TerrainNew Kromlech Dark Forest and Wizard Shop terrain will get your board, RPG, or diorama looking amazing– check out our latest unboxing!

The hobby maniacs over at Kromlech have been a great alternative studio for some time now. Their new terrain is perfect for either big tabletop games or RPGs!

Today Rob is taking a look at the site and a bunch of the terrain sets! We are going to show you everything that the kits come with, how long they take to build, and some size comparisons. That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go! 

Kromlech Dark Forest & Wizard Shop Terrain: Unboxing

Kromlech Terrain 2The Kromlech site has so much stuff on there it’s insane! They have free shipping on everything over €150 and have something for everyone. If you want terrain, minis, or bits, they have it.

Kromlech Terrain 3The site already has so many options for terrain, but it’s always good to see them expanding the line! The other awesome thing is, that you can get singles of everything or just bundle it all together. The Wizard Workshop would work perfectly for so many RPGs.


Kromlech Terrain 4These are great for your own games, but if you have a shop, these are priced great for someone just looking around your shop. Then, as a consumer, these are super easy to find and are always in good packaging.

Kromlech Terrain 5For the larger kits, they always pack them very well and we’ve never had any issues with damaged bits.

Kromlech Dark Forest Built Pieces

Kromlech Terrain 6The trees are super big and just look amazing! They do come in a few parts but build super easily.

Kromlech Terrain 7Just to show you how big they are, this is them compared to a mini on a 32mm base. While these probably are a little too expensive to fill out a whole table with, they can make a very cool one-off piece for sure!

Kromlech Terrain 8The Dark Bushes are super cool and would really spice up any table or work great with most RPGs.

Kromlech Terrain 9You get 5 of the bushes in a pack and you can see, they are really well sized for throw terrain.

Kromlech Wizard Workshop

The Wizard’s Workshop pieces work great for RPGs or board games. Sometimes board games come with really wonky terrain, and these would also make for perfect alternatives for that as well.

Kromlech Terrain 10


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Kromlech Terrain 12

Kromlech Terrain 13Overall, just really cool terrain all around and will make for a great hobby project!

If you want to see everything they are coming out with, and have for sale right now, check it out here!

Click Here to Get Your Kromlech Terrain

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