Lahmian Medium Alternative: ImpendingDuff Tutorial

Lahmian MediumImpendingDuff is here to up our painting skills with a way to save money using this Lahmian Medium Alternative!

ImpendingDuff may be somewhat new here, but he’s actually been doing this for a while now. He’s got great painting tutorials and is definitely worth checking out.

This week he has a solid tutorial for anyone looking who uses a lot of glazes but doesn’t want to spend a fortune on Lahmian. Obviously this will take a little work, but in the end, it will actually save you a lot of cash.

This is part of his new quick tips series, which focuses on one or two small things each time to up your painting game. Check it out!

Lahmian Medium Alternative: ImpendingDuff Tutorial

Lahmian Medium 2Just some quick math, a 24ml bottle of Lahmian Medium is $7.80, basically $.32 per ml. With this alternative, he spends 6 cents for this whole 100ml bottle (he reuses the bottle so we won’t count that)! So some pretty easy math there to tell which is better. He uses this for basically everything now, even thinning all of his paints.

Let’s see how to do it now that you’ve seen the math!

How to Make it

Lahmian Medium 3The first thing you need is a 100ml bottle! Since it’s so cheap, might as well do it in a big bottle like this. He does sometimes use Golden Medium for stuff on his palette, but Lahmian Medium was his favorite.

Amazon has a ton of cheap bottles in packs with good caps that kids can’t really get into. Next, he gets a thing of distilled water (he uses distilled so there are no metals and such in the water).

Lahmian Medium 4Once you have those, it’s time to start mixing. To start your mix, take about 1/3 of a cup of the water and pour it into the dropper bottle (about 80ml). Next, take Satin Glazing Liquid from Golden and pour in about 20ml of that (pretty much whatever space is left in the dropper bottle).

Lahmian Medium 5This stuff is like Elmer’s glue consistency, so it will really mix together well. The one bottle of the Satin Glazing will probably last him 5 years. The next thing you want to do is pour in some agitators or mixing balls into your dropper bottle.

He uses the Monument ones and really recommends them, and then just mixes them together!

Lahmian Medium 6It’s really that simple and will save you a ton of money over time! Once you mix it in, it should be pretty good to go, but he does shake it every time before he uses it.

If you liked this feature, be sure to check out his channel for more great tutorials!

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