Last Day to Support the Stormlight Miniatures Kickstarter!

Stormlight-archive miniatures Minis-kickstarterThe new Stormlight Archives miniatures Kickstarter is an awesome project, but there is only one day left to support, so don’t miss out!

This is such a giant project, perfect for any of you Fantasy lovers out there! If you love painting fantasy minis, this is a no-brainer to support and get all those sweet models. Plus, there are also some pre-painted miniatures and even a 1:10-scale statue!

These are all based on Sanderson’s books on the same characters, and if you didn’t know, he recently had the largest Kickstarter in history! So this project is sure to be a big one as well, with all the stretch goals being hit (over $2.7 million so far).

We’ll check out some of our favorite models in the project, but they have so much that we can’t cover everything they have to offer. So be sure to check the Kickstarter page for all the details.

Also, during the campaign, they announced that these miniatures will be compatible with an upcoming Stormlight tabletop RPG (coming in 2024)!

Here are the highlights from Brotherwise Games, who is the creator of this campaign and is working directly with Sanderson’s team:

  • The campaign focuses on unpainted plastic miniatures, which come pre-assembled in display boxes.
  • Pledge levels for the unpainted miniature sets start at $30, up to $100 for sets based on all four Stormlight books.
  • The campaign also includes painted figurines and a high-end 1:10-scale statue.
  • Brotherwise and Dragonsteel have also partnered with The Army Painter to create a starter set of 11 Stormlight-themed paints for people getting into the hobby.
  • Sixteen thousand backers and $3 million in funding.
  • They have unlocked another ten unpainted miniatures, two painted figurines, a display stand, and a painting guide

Last Day to Support the Stormlight Miniatures Kickstarter!

stormlight first bundleThis Stormlight Kickstarter is, first and foremost, a collection of Fantasy characters from Sanderson’s books. Some might be good alternative miniatures for tabletop games, but these are all absolutely perfect for D&D!

stormlight max bundleThe 1:10 statue is glorious and inside the largest pledge or separately as a $350 add-on. It’s quite big at 12 inches tall, so keep that in mind. This is a premium statue of an awesome scene.


stormlight size compare

The project is already skyrocketing in funding, so there is really no reason not to support it if you want the minis. not to mention the sheer size and number of minis are massive!

At campaign launch, the All-In pledge includes 24 unpainted main-character minis (but that number could grow!), the unpainted Gargantuan Chasmfiend, 4 unpainted “Army Builder” minis, four painted figurines, and the giant statue. You’ll also get a digital rewards pack of 3D files you can use to print your own minis if you have a 3D printer.

Stretch Goals

Stomrlight Stretch goals


Stormlight Stretch Goals


Stormlight Stretch Goals 2


Stomrlight Stretch goals 2


Stormlight Stretch Goals 4


Stormlight Stretch Goals 5


Stormlight Stretch Goals 6


Stormlight Stretch Goals 7As you can see, they are hitting all kinds of stretch goals, and have added over ten unpainted miniatures, two painted figurines, a display stand, and a painting guide

If you want to see some of the actual miniatures, the Long War’s own Kenny Boucher / Next Level Painting is offering a giveaway of prototype miniatures to his subscribers and will be painting Adolin and Dalinar on his stream during the campaign. You can check it out here over on Twitch!

That does it for this one; now, sign up and get some awesome miniatures from the Stormlight Archives!

Click Here to Get Your Stormlight Archive Miniatures!