LEAKED – Next Week’s New GW Releases?

By Rob Baer | July 22nd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Seems like after FOUR weeks of Age of Sigmar, the normal rumor sources are starting to talk again. Come see what New Releases may be headed our way from Games Workshop soon!

via birds in the trees 7-21-2015 

Prosecutor based Kit

– Stormclad Eternal Prosecutors (Flyers armed with spears & shields, or hammers)

– New Realm of Battle “Age of Sigmar” tile

– White Dwarf cover will feature a Prosecutors unit atop the new tile.


There is also chatter of another Stormclad kit coming:

Retributor based kit

via Atia 7-21-2015

– “next week are the Stormcast Eternals Paladins – Retributors (hammers), Decimators (axes), Protectors (glaives)”


Blurry pic of spear armed Prosecutors

ophidian archway

And an unknown Realm of Battle tile…

Age of Sigmar Roundup

The Age of Sigmar release express is only picking up steam… But there is word of a one week 40K window coming up next month.

~I want to believe…