LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Release Date & Gameplay

skywalker sagaLEGO Skywalker Saga has been development for quite some time now, we finally have a release date in the newest trailer!

LEGO Star Wars is by far the thier most popular video game series, meaning a new release will be huge for fans and the company as a whole! The new trailer showed a ton of features and has the bonus of giving fans a release date.


skywalker saga 2As is a given, the iconic LEGO video game humor will be present, which is directed for kids but is still going to get a few chuckles from the adult audience as well.

skywalker saga 3This installment will be the largest yet, featuring all 3 trilogies, making it the ideal place to experience all of the storylines LEGO Star Wars has to offer.

skywalker saga 4Interestingly enough, Skywalker Saga seems to be taking a slight dev shift to a more open-world RPG style, making this a possible place to experience the most that the Universe has to offer.

skywalker saga 5Furthering the open-world RPG concept, there is even a star map that you can use to explore the galaxy! There was also footage of space combat, possibly meaning there will be a Kingdom Hearts-Esque travel system where loading screens are actually levels in themselves!

skywalker saga releaseThere’s a lot to be excited about as a LEGO and Star Wars fan. With a release slotted for Spring 2022, it really isn’t that far away either!

You can even pre-order your own copy already, but you may want to wait as more gameplay is revealed to be sure… Although I wouldn’t blame you if you got excited, I sure am!

Pre-order your own copy here

Will you be checking out the new game? Have you played the previous LEGO Star Wars installments?

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