Looks Like Meat’s Back On The Menu in Britain

By Tim Roberts | May 6th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Looks like meats back on the menuLooks like meat’s back on the menu in Britain and it’s causing quite a stir. What may be more interesting to us, as hobbyists, is that the meat itself is named Squig. 

Beware the Porkish Horde

Squigs have been spotted hitting the shelves of Morrisons across Britain after the Cottom Foods of Widnes company decided to reinvent the sausage scene. Squigs are square pieces of sausage meant for easier cooking and eating without having to chase the sausage around the pan with a spatula or having the sausage slide out of the breakfast roll.

squig sausage

According to the inventor:

“A few years ago, in a kitchen not so far away… Daniel was cooking breaking for his daughter.”

“As she looked on she asked a simple honest question, as only children can ‘Daddy. Why are sausages round?”

“As Daniel was getting frustrated, chasing them around the pan, he said to his daughter ‘I don’t know… but I wish they weren’t!!”

Ultimately, that’s how the tasty Squig was born.Looks like meat's back on the menu

You can probably guess by now that we aren’t talking about the two-legged mouth that follows Orks around. In reality, Squigs are just a harmless breakfast food that apparently the Scottish aren’t too happy about.

You heard that right,  Scots are up in arms about this new square piece of meat! They are calling out the inventor of the Squigs, as the Scottish version of the Squig called the Lorne was created almost one-hundred years ago.

sausage biscuitThe inventor of the Squig defended himself saying:

“I wouldn’t dare claim to be improving on the Lorne,” said Munro, “but we are definitely doing something different.

“For instance we are using only top-quality ground pork in our Squigs and Lorne can be either all beef or a mixture of beef and pork.

“Our Squigs are also gluten free, while traditional Lorne sausage must have rusk in it.”

Looks like these two factions have rolled a “1” for their animosity check this go around, just like the Orc and Goblins of Warhammer’s yesteryear.