Lumineth Realm-lords Battletome Confirmed Delayed

lumineth-realm-lords-titleWelp, it looks like the Lumineth Realm-lords Battletome is officially delayed check out what we know.

It was only about 3-4 weeks ago at NOVA Open that GW said Lumineth would release this “summer”. That has obviously gone and passed now, so hopefully, we see them before too long.

As you can see by the new AoS Roadmap, originally they were slated for summer 2022. We’re not exactly sure why they are delayed at this point, considering Tzeentch did come out as scheduled.

It’s also interesting that Sons of Behemat previews just went into full gear this week with a showcase of their Battletome table of contents, something we haven’t even seen yet from Lumineth…

Lumineth Realm-lords Battletome Confirmed Delayed by GW

The confirmation came from Twitter, and thanks to Adam for getting a response!

As you can see, that’s about as confirmed as you can get from GW.

While they don’t say when the book is coming, at least we know for sure they are delayed. As we said, there is no real reason quite yet, but with all the different supply chain issues they have had as late, the most likely reason is they couldn’t get the books shipped out to the whole world simultaneously.

GW doesn’t like to stagger releases of new factions, so it only makes sense they have delayed it to get the release lined up throughout the world and with their content creators.

Were you looking forward to the release?

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