Lumineth Vanari Auralan Wardens: Stalwart Aelf Defenders

lumineth-realm-lords-titleThe Vanari Auralan Wardens are the backbone of most Lumineth Realm-lords armies, wielding some of the best weaponry in the Mortal Realms.

Get out your best suit of shiny armor and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

auralan wardensGraceful and unified at levels unheard. Rows of shields and spears in pristine condition. Proud and royal plumes on their helmets. The Auralan Wardens form the solid backbone of the Lumineth Realmlords’ fighting troops. Their nigh unbreakable phalanxes patiently await their ravenous foes’ charges, only to be met by energy-tipped spears. Stabbing through the hearts and heads of the enemy as a well-oiled machine. Of all the vastly different kinds of warriors that make up the armies of the Lumineth Realmlords, the Auralan Wardens are what keeps it together. Without their defensive walls, all others behind them are doomed.

The massive runes that the Auralan Wardens display on their giant shields are more than just decoration to make their phalanxes look even cooler. In Lumineth culture, those runes are more than just symbols or language. They’re the pillars on which their society is built, their way of life and way of war is inscribed in these runes. They show that the Lumineth are more than just Aelves but enlightened and a people above the rest. For the Auralan Wardens to display them on their shields tells they are more than just warriors but scholars and students as well.

In battle, the Auralan Wardens form the most numerous ranks of fighting Aelves in the Lumineth armies. Without them, all else fails. Led by their High Warden officers they form a phalanx unmatched by any other race. As their comrades behind and around them unleash a hail of arrows or magical powers, the Auralan Wardens hold the line. Should the foe survive the initial onslaught they risk crashing against the shield wall. The High Wardens will channel the magic of Hysh into the tips of their spears. Thus infusing them with magical power so deadly any enemy will find themselves speared and bloody in no time.

On the Field

vanari auralan wardensOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, the Vanari Auralan Wardens are your mainstay battleline choice. Dependable and adept at taking and holding objectives. They can be taken in 10, 20, or 30 models per unit. Furthermore, they allow you to take more battleline units. For every unit of Vanari Auralan Wardens your army fields, 1 unit of Vanari Auralan Sentinels or Vanari Dawnriders can be taken as another battleline choice.

Each Vanari Auralan Warden carries their powerful Warden’s Pike: a 3-inch range melee weapon capable of 2 attacks. Their leader, a headstrong High Warden replaces his Warden’s Pike. Instead of using a Champion’s blade, while not as long-ranged as a pike it can dish out more damage with its -1 Rend. The Warden’s Pike can get even more powerful with the abilities of Sunmetal Weapons and Wall of Blades. The former inflicts a mortal wound on any unmodified hit roll of 6. The latter however acts more defensive, adding 1 to the wound rolls and a -1 Rend to their attacks if their targets made a charge.

The High Warden possesses a powerful Moonfire flask which they can throw once per battle. This flask explodes in a blaze of burning silver liquid in the enemy ranks. 1 enemy unit within 3″ of the High Warden can get their face burned off on a 2+, suffering D3 mortal wounds. Every High Warden is also a powerful wizard, as long as their comrades defend them. If the unit has 5 or more models, the High Warden can cast Power of Hysh and attempt to unbind an enemy spell in the hero phase. The Power of Hysh increases the power of Sunmetal Weapons, inflicting mortal wounds on a 5+ instead of a 6+.

These Aelven phalanxes of magical hurt will surely hold the line against any foe.

Learn More About Vanari Auralan Wardens Here!