Make Your Hobby a Job: Stiff Neck Studio Hiring Painters!

Stiff Neck Studio job featureIf you’ve always wanted to make money with your painting skill, Stiff Neck Studio is hiring Commission painters as we speak!

Stiff Neck is a really awesome painting studio, and they pump out high-quality work for the gaming community at large for years now. If you’ve always wanted to branch out with a painting side hustle, this might just be the perfect thing for you.

Opening up your own studio takes a lot of work and promotion, so if you have the painting skills but don’t want to mess with the business side, getting in with an established company is a great way to do it!

Obviously, you have to be good at painting, easy to communicate with, and able to meet deadlines. Plus, you can even work remotely for this position, so if you’re not near their headquarters, no worries!

Let’s take a closer look at the job opening!

Stiff Neck Studio Hiring Commission Painters!

Stiff Neck Studio jobHere’s what they have to say about the opening:

We’re looking for you! Help us fight the grey plastic hoards!

Call to Arms! We are now accepting applications for a local or REMOTE position on our team. The perfect side hustle for a motivated and disciplined individual. Must be able to paint to a high quality and meet deadlines. Think you have what it takes or know someone that does? Email us at

When contacting us please provide links to a gallery with examples of your work.

Good luck!

Magnus FeatureObviously, you’ll have to provide some samples of your work, but this could be a great opportunity for a painter out there.

Instead of just painting for your friends and yourself, let the world at large see your skills and make some cash off your hobby!

See What Stiff Neck is All About Here!