Making GW Jealous? – New Warpath Miniatures Incoming!

By Rob Baer | September 12th, 2015 | Categories: Mantic, Warhammer 40k Rumors


If you play 40k you’ve probably seen Warpath on the shelf at some point but never really pulled the trigger fully on the miniatures. Well the time may be coming soon when you’re going to want these minis for YOUR tabletop. Come see!

Warpath had a great idea back a few years ago, and now they are really coming into their own. Here is the latest from Mantic themselves:

Via Mantic


If you cast your mind back we had a go a few years back at this and we didn’t get it right. The ideas and intentions were right – but I was not able to get the quality and depth the game needed. We went away and licked our wounds.

We started building slowly this time – DreadBall, Deadzone, perfecting hard plastic – both infantry and vehicles – and we kept on building up the Warpath universe – a story, an expansion and a race at a time! We would only go forward when we could do it properly, when we genuinely felt we could make an interesting game and a great miniatures range. Thanks to the support of our Kickstarter backers, we’ll be able to go into Warpath with a wealth of hard plastic infantry, characters, and specialists with which you can build your armies.

Early this year the rules went out for alpha testing. We are trying to create the experience of a futuristic mass battle – with a low starting point – where 20 -30 figures get you going, but with the ability to scale up as far as you want to take it. We are trying to create the clean, slick mechanics – just like in KoW – but ones that feel relevant to a sci-fi battlefield. How to take and hold buildings, how vehicles play and how do you chip away at your enemy until you can swoop in and destroy them!

The response we got was on the whole excellent and as always very informative and useful, much of it has been taken on board, all of it has been considered. There was also a group who wanted a smaller squad-based game – and you speak, we listen – so we have a great writer working on that too.

Over the last few days I have been seeing the art, sculpts, vehicles, 3D renders, logos and background coming in. It just looks amazing.


Over the next few days we will be featuring and focusing in on Warpath – the worlds, the armies and the background. Hopefully you’ll help us breath life into this game as you have with some many other projects before.

We are taking Warpath to Kickstarter on the 21st September. First off we want to fund the rulebooks and source books – but you always seem to encourage us to go a little further



Looks like BIG things are on the way from Mantic when it comes to the Grim Dark future, and the Olde World of Matica as well!

Who’s down for those Jetbikes and Flyers??