New Sons of Behemat AoS 3.0 Gargant Rules Update

Age-of-sigmar-sons-of-behemat-title-wal-hor-1New AoS 3.0 Sons of Behemat Gargants rules were spotted in White Dwarf magazine that are an official battletome update for Age of Sigmar.

These rules cover things from new Grand Strategies to Battle Tactics to new battalions. Honestly, this is a decent way to update armies like the Sons of Behemat and their Gargants to AoS 3.0. Mostly because it can take years for every army to get a book in the new edition.

This seems like a decent stop-gap to move armies into the new edition, especially considering it looks like they will not just do an index. Plus it is a pretty cheap middle ground to updating the armies, as GW gave them new Matched Play rules, battalions, and more.

They also had the Path to Glory and new campaign in there as well, we’re not going to cover that here, but it is in the White Dwarf if you want them.

Let’s get into the new rules that were spotted over on Imgur.

New Sons of Behemat AoS 3.0 Gargant Rules Update

Sons of Behemat rulesFirst up is the new Grand Strategy which is actually pretty easy to achieve as long as you keep it in mind. Meaning you need to have one unit free every turn and not tied up. With how much damage they do, it should be pretty doable though, just be sure to have somewhere to write it down so you don’t forget.

They actually grabbed three new battle tactics and they are all pretty fun, just like kicking an objective marker out of your territory! The best-named one though has to be Manskittles, where you have to use the toss ability, but you should always use it just so you can yell the name!

Sons of Behemat rules 2With some new ways to build your army, it should give you a little more flexibility, but with so few units anyway it can’t be too hard one way or another.

Obviously, Bosses of the Stomp would have Magnificent because what’s not magnificent about Mega-Gargants? Think about it and get back to us.  Lastly, there is also a quick reference sheet at the bottom of the new rules update too.

They also updated all the Open Play rules along with the Path to Glory, which is nice if you like playing more narrative games for the Sons of Behemat and their Gargants in Age of Sigmar.

Check out all the other AoS Battletome rules updates inside previous White Dwarf Magazine for Age of Sigmar.

Do you like how they release Age of Sigmar rules updates for factions like the Slaves to Darkness in a White Dwarf like this? 

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