Marvel Crisis Protocol Wave 9 Characters Foam Inserts

battlefoam wal hor titleBattle Foam has just added some awesome Marvel Crisis Protocol Wave 9 Characters foam inserts to keep your new minis safe!

Tired of cutting out foam inserts to fit your favorite minis? Battle Foam has you covered! They have some amazing army-specific inserts that fit perfectly with the most popular minis. This time we are taking a look at some of the new MCP stuff they just came out with. Considering you don’t need a crazy amount of models, you might as well keep them safe! This wave includes models like Blade, Carnage, Mysterio, The Amazing Spider-Man, and much more! 

You can decide which layers you want depending on your terrain, so you know everything will be safe because you don’t want your terrain damaged do you? Their inserts are extremely well made and make transporting minis easy. It may be time to stop trying to make your own butchered inserts and grab some of these! Let’s check them out.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Wave 9 Characters Foam Inserts: $19.99

marvel crisis foam insertThis tray is perfect for holding everything for your new Kill Teams. We’ll show you everything that these hold, but if you want to see all the specs, be sure to check them out on the site. If you love Battle Foam, check out what else they’ve been releasing lately here.

marvel crisis foam insert 2Here are all the specs on this:

  • This tray can hold The Marvel Crisis Protocol characters including one Moon Knight, one Kraven, one Blade, one Amazing Spider-Man, one Carnage, one Lizard, one Black Cat, one Mysterio, one Clea, one Ancient One, one Hood, one Possessed, one Mordo, one Dr. Strange, one Dr. Voodoo, or similar miniatures.
  • Custom text is not available on this product.
  • 3.5 inch (89 mm) thick tray.
  • Tray Dimensions – 11.5W x 7.75L x 3.75H” (292W x 197L x 95H mm)
  • Trays are designed to fit side by side in our P.A.C.K. System Bags as pictured.

marvel crisis foam insert 3These aren’t the trays it comes with, just showing the case it works with

That does it for this one, now go get some trays to save your minis!

Click To Get Your MCP Foam Inserts!