Mass Effect Legendary Edition Gets Release Date

By Andrew Schrank | February 8th, 2021 | Categories: Pop Gamer Culture, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Mass Effect LegendaryMass Effect is one of the most successful RPGs around, and now with the remastered Legndary Edition, we finally have a release date.

A few months ago, BioWare announced a full-on remaster of the original trilogy and now has given the internet some extra screenshots and a release date as well! Here is the latest!

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Gets Release Date

mass effect LE releaseOn EA’s Site, they have an official listing for the game which includes the launch date of May 14. The Trailer is the original one from November, which we covered previously here.

mass effect graphic compareThe Mass Effect Legendary Edition includes single-player base content and over 40 DLC from the highly acclaimed Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect3 games, including promo weapons, armors, and packs – remastered and optimized for 4K Ultra HD.

Considering how old some of the original games are getting, this overhaul is a huge graphical improvement as you can see by the left (old) vs right (new edition).

ME LE 1Relive the cinematic saga in stunning 4K with enhanced visuals, textures and models. Including modern graphic improvements, updated UI, and more.

ME LE 3One of the special aspects of the Original trilogy was the seamless progression between games. Instead of being three games with time skips, your choices in one game directly carried over to the next game and had direct impacts on the story. Missions, Relationships, and Battles all play a role in determining how your saga will turn out.

The trilogy forms more of an Epic, versus a usual story.

ME LE 2Create and customize your own character, from appearance and skills to a personalized arsenal then lead your elite recon squad across a galaxy in turmoil.

While the character customization is big, the huge thing from the trilogy is the countless hours of content in each game. When they say across the galaxy they mean it. If you want to get lost in a world Mass Effect is easily one of the top options.

So there ya go! A confirmation on the release date. Mass Effect is a great series loved by lots of people, and for good reason. If you never played them or want to return, this is a great opportunity to experience an acclaimed series all over again in stunning 4k.

Have you played Mass Effect? Do you play many RPG video games? Are you familiar with the franchise?

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