Michael Keaton 1989 Batwing Movie Prop Restored!

By Andrew Schrank | September 15th, 2021 | Categories: Pop Gamer Culture, Videos, Warhammer 40k Rumors

michael-keaton-batman-returnsThe 1989 Batwing movie prop has been refurbished and explored by none other than Adam Savage! Let’s check out the details.

Michael Keaton’s 1989 Batman was a classic, and some of the scenes have stood the test the time. Especially some of the ones containing shots of the Batwing model that was made filming. Adam Savage had the opportunity to check out the model after its restoration process and covered it in his own video.

Michael Keaton 1989 Batwing Movie Prop Restored!


The main difference between the restoration and the original is the paint job. Unfortunately, before the current owner even got his hands on the model, it had already been repainted by the previous owner. Using a ton of reference images his team was able to get it as close as humanly possible to the original look behind the camera on set!

Part of the restoration was also replacing hydraulics with new electric actuators, meaning it will be easier to maintain in the future. All of the working parts are still fully functional and are essentially the exact same! Functional parts include the front lights, missiles, miniguns (with a strobe light to simulate firing), brakes, and even batman’s head can turn!

Now there is what appears to be some damage in the back, however, due to the mounting system, we never actually see the rear in the film, because this specific scale has a mount directly in the middle where all of the cords and such also enter the model.

Be sure to watch the full video if you haven’t and get fuller sense of the scale and all the moving parts in action. Of course, if you like Adam Savage his excitement is always entertaining as well.

Did you watch the old Batman film? Have you seen this Iconic vehicle before?

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